
American Idol Here I come!

Well, maybe not AI material, but Logan sure thinks I have a good voice :) Yesterday we were running errands and he started getting very fussy - crying and whining. I always drive while playing music in the car - anything from Lady GaGa, Rap, to Taylor Swift. He is gonna be one well rounded kiddo! haha
Anyway, I turned off the music and started sweetly singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star over and over again getting softer and softer. He loves these songs at the house so I thought I'd give it a try. Well, it worked! He passed out COLD! (uh huh, I know what you're thinking - he passed out so he wouldn't have to listen to mama's voice anymore... don't hate) ;)
Love these sweet moments with my baby boy.

Look at big and strong he is getting! And Blonde!!

I heart swaddling. Whoever came up with that magical idea deserves a medal. Seriously. Logan is still sleeping 8-11 hours a night being swaddled!!! Can I get an AMEN! :) Oh, and there is this new swaddle miracle called the Swaddle Pod - it is a zipper sack! I am trying it out tonight - we'll see if he likes it as much as the wrap around Velcro swaddle blanket.

Logan watching his Sing Along Tunes - he loves this little toy

Another neat thing we are doing now that he is 3 months old is watching Baby Einstein Dvds. I bought a whole 24 set on eBay for $14.00! Can you believe it? Such a steal :) I put him in his nap nanny in front of the tv and play a different dvd each day. He LOVES tv (definitely his daddy's child) and he typically watches the whole video - they are usually 20-30 minutes. Whoa - I am surprised his attention span allows that. But he smiles and giggles along with the video.

Here he is - of course Soph is sitting right next to him just dying to lick him to death. I really have to watch her - I don't think he likes her very much right now. He fusses when she is near him. Probably because she licks his toes!

Just some random happies for 3 months and other things to remember:
I love this age - he is so sweet and happy. His smiles melt my heart and his giggles are pure bliss. His favorite things are his Flower that plays music, Sing Along Tunes, Playmat, Tummy Time, DVD Time, and changing his diaper. Who would have thought that would be a fun time? He used to scream the entire diaper change - but now he smiles and talks to me!

He is noticing his hands and feet. He stares at them in the car seat when we are going somewhere. He still doesn't love Gus his Wubbanub soothie. Hoping he will someday. He just can't seem to get the concept of keeping him in his mouth.

Logan LOVES to eat. He is eating 4-6 ounces at a time depending on the time of day. He usually eats more in the afternoon and evening before bed. Pumping is still going very well - I am now pumping every 5 hours and storing that in the fridge or deep freezer. I can go 6-7 hours at night before I pump again. (more sleep for mommy!)

He has been going down around 10 pm the past week and gets up in between 7-9 am. He is sleeping in the pack and play bassinet swaddled and seems to be doing great in there. We still have the humidifier going every night since he has congestion. He has since he came home from the hospital and his Ped said he has small nasal passages. Don't know what we would do without that humidifier.

I go back to work Monday. WHOMP WHOMP. Ugh I am not looking forward to it. I think I am in denial of what the days will be like working, then coming home and getting just a few hours with Logan before he goes to bed. I am trying to have a positive outlook but its hard. I just can't believe the 3 months have already flown by - wow.

Happy Weekend - Enjoy this FALL weather!!!

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