
Its official. I am a HORRIBLE blogger! And I never thought those words would slip from my mouth but its true. Sorry blog world! Life has been crazy to say the least. I am wearing too many hats these days and my lack of blogging shows it. I am working a part time job at the Oxford American Southern Magazine which is super flexible and so far I love it - its easy peasy and Trey watches Logan during the day while I am helping the magazine with Circulation. I am also doing the Social Media for The Wonder Place - updating their facebook and pinterest. AND on top of those jobs, I am also building my new business! I have a Rodan + Fields business that we are building and expanding which is going fantastic - I've only been a part of this company for a few short months but already have a team and we are expanding into Louisiana and Mississippi!! Whoo hoo!  Its all word of mouth and the earning potential and time freedom I have and will have in the future is the reason I added another section to my already full plate. Imagine getting into Walmart and buying shares at $12-16 years ago and everyone who did that and stuffed them under their mattresses are now sitting on a whopping $40 MILLION dollars. Yep. That is the future of Rodan folks and I couldn't say no to that opportunity!!! :) 

So....that is what I have been doing - and of course alongside my first and foremost job as being a mommy and wife. Life is FULL but grand - and we are loving it.

Logan is 2 and learning every day - its amazing what these little brains retain and the info they can hold - he just amazes me and I am in awe most of my days with him. He can count 1-15, knows all his shapes (like even pentagon, octagon, and trapezoid!) he knows his colors, the first song he can sing is Old Mcdonald has a farm - its so stinkin cute! He uses words all day long. He is starting to know what he wants - like he will ask for cheese, cheerios, bananas, apple sauce, etc. He goes to the fridge for milk. He knows his waffles come from the freezer and they have to cook before he can eat them. He knows they have to cool down because they are hot :)

He sleeps fantastically! 7 pm - 7 or 8 am every night. He loves bedtime and we are blessed its an easy process. His naps are all over the place - he always goes down at 1 pm but now that we started MDO back he has to sleep on a mat on the floor there so that doesn't go over well. He did sleep 1 stint of 40 minutes there! But sometimes he just plays in his crib at home for the whole 2 hours of naptime. 

He is still a picky picky eater, but I am not as stressed. I think he will eventually try other foods. He likes some french fries and that is the only new thing he has tried. 

He is showing NO interest in potty training which is fine by me - I don't think I am ready! haha

Here is our living room - taken over by TONS of toys! That tent is HUGE - haha at least we have this area to the side for him to have...

He is so sweet - he gives kisses, hugs, says please and thank you. He even says i'm sorry sometimes if we say it first. When he gets into trouble - which is kinda rare, and I count Thats 1, Thats 2, Time out. He will kiss me on my leg before it gets to Time out and hug me letting me know he is sorry or "please dont put me in TO!" haha

Aunt Katherine got him this awesome horse! He loves this new addition - he rocks and bounces on it and the stirrups are triangles so he is obsessed with that. He says "feet triangles" when he wants help putting his feet in the stirrups. 

We went to dinner for Grandaddy's birthday at Cock of the Walk - tried to get some family photos :)

Here is a winner photo!!!

We took Logan to the Museum in Hot Springs and he loved it! He was scared at first but eventually came out of his shell and spun this huge globe ball. He would get upset when other kids tried to come near it and he screamed a few times or tried to brush their hands off - OH DEAR. Of course we corrected him! But geesh - wonder where he gets that from? :)

Sorry guys, these photos won't turn around!

He was obsessed with this sand pendulum - he drew shapes - his version of shapes which is pretty much circles and ovals - haha

He was SO proud of himself!!

His new addiction is coloring - he is trying to draw shapes and is getting pretty good at triangles and perfecting circles and ovals. We color 3-5 times a day! He asks for it right when he gets up in the AM - its so cute and he gets sooooo excited :) He asks to flip a page and says please then we make him say thank you when we turn it over. He can get frustrated easily but he is learning that we put it up if he gets too out of hand. 

Just a little funny, or not so much, tidbit. He loves these cheese cubes from kroger and they have to be orange and white. We ran out of white from the package and he likes both colors on his tray. He freaked out and was crying "white cheese! white cheese!" He had a total meltdown because there was only orange cheese left. He finally calmed down when I showed him the package and he could see I wasn't lying to him - ha  

He is so fun and such a sweet sensitive boy. He finally remembers things like The Wonder Place because we went there the other day and he woke up the next morning asking for "Wonder Place" awwww melts my heart. :)

These are busy busy times, but what a full life we have. I am blessed beyond words - Its amazing what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it and the saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" that is my motto from this past year. We have all grown in unbelievable ways and I know with absolute certain that my 30s will be some of the BEST years of my life. BRING IT ON!!!!