
Introducing... Cole Adams!

Isn't he just the cutest??

My mom, Logan, and I went up to meet baby Cole this past weekend and help Irene out while Luke had to go to a swim meet in LR. We just had the best time holding Cole and trying to help Irene adjust to her new role as a mom. She is doing an amazing job and breastfeeding seems to be going really well! Cole definitely has a good appetite :)

Grammy and Logan having some playtime in Cole's room

He is so tiny - so precious!

I could just eat.him.up!


beautiful mama and baby boy

The doggies are still adjusting to life with this new baby. Maddie needed some loving from Irene so she climbed up and laid on her while she was holding Cole.

Look at that sweet face! Maddie was in heaven :)

It SO hard to believe Logan was in that same swaddle just a few short months ago!

Logan bouncing all around in his door jumper

Cole napping away in the Nap Nanny - he seems to love it!

Cozy little burrito

haha - Logan used to make these mad faces during sleep. I thought it was hilarious Cole makes some of the same faces!

Logan and Cole meeting for the first time - best friends already! You can tell Logan is WAY excited!

Holding Cole :)

I am just so happy we got to go up there and meet him and help out. The boys even took a couple of naps at the SAME time so we got to eat and chat about the birth and all things BABY :) She and Luke will be such involved, amazing parents. I am so excited for them and to watch Cole grow and learn. And of course for Logan and Cole's first real playdate!

Logan holding a sippy cup for the first time. Not sure what to think...

Hum...maybe its a teether?

Nope. What is this thing?

Needless to say he didn't know what to do with it. He promptly hurled it across the room and I stored it away until 9 months ;)

Sitting strong playing with his cups

This is the new position he likes to be in now - sitting on his playmat, not laying underneath it. So funny how much he has grown!

He used to love to lay under this flower and play with it - listen to it sing. But now he likes to just suck on the strap.

Its the little things in life...

We still love Sophie - not quite as much, now that toothies aren't hurting every day. But we still say Hi to her often :)

Nibbling on her little leg

Logan did great during the trip - he did so well in the car. He was very pleasant and didn't cry. He only got fussy when he wanted a bottle but once I got in the backseat and gave it to him he was fine. He had a rough night on Thursday because we stayed in a hotel and he was in the pack n play. He hasn't slept in the bottom part, ever. So that was a rough adjustment and the air conditioner was noisy in the hotel room. He was up every few hours and had to cry himself back to sleep. That was very exhausting being in the same room as him as he was crying - but totally understand. He was way off his schedule. But once we got to Irene's he did great in Cole's crib! Hooray! Hopefully he will be quite a good little traveler - especially for our trip to the Beach!! It is amazing how much teething effects their personalities. He is such a happy baby when he isn't dealing with a tooth popping up. I am trying to cherish these precious times with my sweet baby before the top teeth start poking through. Bless his heart.
Trey's birthday is coming up this week and we are celebrating at my parents house this weekend. How can it already be MARCH???


Splish Splash I was taking a Bath...

long about a Saturday night

Rub-a-dub just relaxin in the tub

thinking everything was alright

they was a splishin and a splashin

reelin' with a feeling movin' and a groovin'

rockin' and a rollin' yeah!

Logan can tell you ALL about splashing in the bathtub these days. He loves bathtime! He has always been fine with it, but now he is really kicking his legs and splashing water everywhere - soaking me every time! He plays with his toys, though his favorite bath toy is his washcloth which he puts in his mouth and tries to suck out all the water - ha!

happy morning face!

7 months old - you are getting closer to being a toddler than an infant. WOW!

I feel like he looks SO grown up


still loves to lick toes :)

Who Me?

Angel face

At 7 months old Logan is all about sitting up on his own, standing/bouncing in the jumper, and rolling right over to his tummy as soon as you put him on his back. He has 2 bottom teeth for now, and is wearing size 6-9 and 12 mo clothes.
He is loving sweet potatoes, bananas, rice cereal, squash and frozen bananas. He isn't a fan of green veggies quite yet. He definitely likes the Gerber food better than homemade. I guess they have that pureeing down ;) But, I am still making his food - we also throw gerber in the mix to add other variety and for him to test new foods before I make a big batch.
He is now sleeping on his tummy - all night in his sleeper. We did away with the sleep sack over the last really cold front. He adjusted perfectly fine! He sleeps from 7 pm - 5 am. Takes a bottle, then goes back down until 7-8 am. He is up about 2 hours then takes a nap during the day. We start night routine around 6 pm with last bottle, then Baby Einstein dvd followed by changing diaper, reading Goodnight Moon, and singing Twinkle little star. Then, we say Goodnight and put him in his crib awake. He does a good job of getting himself to sleep - he will usually talk or make noises. he sometimes fusses but not long.
I had a horrible bout of a stomach bug a couple of days ago that dehydrated me and depleted my milk supply. I am pumping to try and get some of it back, but we are using the frozen milk too. I bought Formula just in case. We mixed a little with his bottle tonight and he didn't seem to mind the flavor. I am planning on continuing to pump some (supplementing with formula when the frozen milk runs out) until May when we go to the beach - then I want to be pump free! :)
He is just a happy, sweet baby that lights up when we walk into the room. He is such a gift and we treasure him every day :)