
We are having THIS kind of a day...

Yep. Its been one of THOSE days. Fussy fussy fussy. Bless his heart. But no matter how fussy or upset he gets - I am just thankful to be home with him. I am loving our time together!

Here is a little update of what has been going on around here...

Logan seems to grow and mature more every night! I swear, each day he does something new or different. It's unreal.
He can sit straight for longer periods of time - I swear he will be sitting up sooner than I expect!

He gets prettier and prettier every day - haha I know that is such a mommy thing to say :)

He can really grab his toys and hold onto them better and for long time. He also has perfected throwing his toys - which has lead to using the paci clips in restaurants :) Once it hits the floor once you learn.

It is drool center over here - drooling everywhere. all over outfits, burp cloths, soaking his plush rattles and toys and definitely during tummy time. But I still love those wet kisses!

Yummy fingers - sometimes he prefers these over any toy

Sitting up pretty well against pillows - big boy!

I know he's Santas Favorite - but he's also mine! :)

My Godmother, Cherin, came over the other night and played with Logan a little before taking me out to dinner.

Sweet picture :)

Wow - he is holding that take along tunes close with a death grip. He is daring me to try to pry it out of his fingers. Don't worry son, its ALL yours :)

he is strong enough to hold it up and chew on it - this is huge since it is pretty heavy!

He is turning all around his playmats. Not so much rolling around or over - he can roll from belly to back but he doesn't love to do it. He would rather scooch around.

worn out - all that scooching can make you tired!

He also is learning his name - we think he knows it because when we call him he will look at us - but it might be too early? Not sure. Maybe its just the sound of our voice - but when we say other things he won't always look at us - hum. We will tell ourselves he knows his name! :)
He has been super snugly too which has been so sweet and fun. He is also grabbing his feet and toes during changing - he is so interested in seeing his feet when they don't have socks or sleepers covering them up.
He has also learned bedtime and the chain of events that happen before bedtime. He just learned that last night. He has been so happy when we change him into his sleep sack, read a book, snuggle, and place him in the crib where we sing twinkle twinkle little star (its his favorite) and tell him goodnight. Then we turn on the wave/ocean sound and leave the room. We watch him on the monitor and he talks to himself, sucks his hands, and then passes out.
Well - last night he started crying when I zipped the sleep sack and didn't stop until he fell asleep. Poor guy. He wailed all through Goodnight moon which is not like him. he loves that book and he usually smiles and coos when we read it. This too shall pass - its just sad that nighttime might not be the usually fun/sweet event it has been the past week or two.
He is still doing great in his crib though - he has only gotten up a couple of nights and last night he cried himself back to sleep within 5 minutes of waking up at 3 am. Yay!
I am doing great too - since being off work this week I have successfully made 2 dinners (Black bean and cilantro cream soup, and gooey enchiladas. Not only were they edible but Delicious! Hooray for being domestic! :)

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