

Logan tried waffles for the first time the other day and he wasn't too sure what to think...they were my Kashi waffles so a little bland but I cut them up to pea size for him to have a nibble...

Ewwwww Face :)

Needless to say not a fan. At least not right now.

He has been checking out this corner every day a few times a day. He inspects it and then gets stuck and can't get out. Oooooh why oh why are babies interested in areas like this? Why are they hardwired to go for the outlets, trash cans, tight corners, door hinges, electronics, and door stoppers?? To keep us on our TOES!

that's okay - with all the extra bending over/running around he is aiding Mama in my weight loss so its all good :)

We randomly went to the wonder place last week because I was so sick of being couped in the house with the bad weather and sickness. We got out for an hour and it was SO NICE!

loved looking at himself in the mirror

gumming the truck

fun water table!

He is soooo interested in whats going on outside. He will just stare for minutes - and in his jumper sometimes for 10 minutes

Me and my biggest blessing :)

look how BIG he is!?

Daddy and son

Love these two...

Lets see what else is going on... Logan stood up on his very own using the gate last night! We were super impressed! He has 2 top toothies now - the left one has barely poked through but it is there!

Logan tried baby yogurt this morning and LOVED it - of course it was banana flavored :)

I have the heat on in the house today since its chilly outside/and inside and I secretly love it - reminds me of the feeling that winter is getting closer. So sad that its summer that is actually on the horizon. (not a summer lover) :)

I am starting to realize how expensive baby shoes are - and they wear them how long? Like a few weeks to a month? Geesh. I think Logan can go barefoot a little longer.

Its icky outside and I am NOT looking forward to storms this week - GO AWAY crazy weather that wakes my baby up and causes tornadoes. I am SO over you.

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