
First Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful first mothers day! My mom kept Logan Sat night so we could go to a quiet date dinner and I picked one of my favs - Cantina Laredo...YUM! We had a nice leisurely meal and went home and watched a movie as loud as we could stand because we didn't have a baby in the house to worry about waking up. It was heaven! :)

See the sweet Care Bears? They were Trey's when he was little - we found them in his toy chest and I washed them so Logan could play with them.

How cute - it is so neat to think his daddy played with them when he was little :)

We tried Peas for the first time in their natural form and Logan pretty much thought the same thing as when he tried pureed peas. YUCK. He still hates them. Oh well - we will keep trying :)

This sweet face was right before he made a horrified look and spit the pea back out. haha

Logan also tried out his cart cover for the first time! He loved it - I decided to bite the bullet and take him into a store alone. I know I know, I have been avoiding anything that would potentially cause a scene because we all know how much I don't like to be the center of attention. I know this is unavoidable as he gets older and there will most certainly be tantrums in the middle of the store aisle but for now, I want to keep avoiding it as LONG as possible. So, I grocery shop when he goes to sleep or on days when Trey is off work. Its worked so far and its been super nice for me to get out by myself and get errands checked off the list without worrying about toting a baby around. He gets heavy!

He did fantastic - he was so mesmerized by the store (we played it safe and went to Babies R Us. If a fussy episode erupted at least we are in Babyland) He just looked around the whole time and stared at the ceiling watching the fans as they spun around. I will start going on more outings, I know its good for him to be exposed to errands so we will take baby steps and keep venturing out :)

We also tried Gerber Mac and Cheese for the first time!

I don't quite know how to say this, but I don't think he cared too much for the mac and cheese. GASP. I know right? How can it be? He is MY child after all, how can he NOT like cheese? I definitely ate my weight in mac and cheese when I was pregnant so he got plenty of it inside - maybe he's sick of it? Had his fill already? He ate 5 bites then made a face and was done. Must. Keep. Trying. ;)

practicing his standing skills

Trey and Logan got me this beautiful pink orchid plant for Mothers Day - it is gorgeous!! I was so surprised and thinks its soo pretty. Trey said Logan told him what to get and I must say my boy has good taste :)

We also gave Logan a sippy cup for the first time to see what he would do. Our Ped said to go ahead and let him check it out and see if he will take sips of water to get used to using the cup for when he turns 1. He played with it for a while and then I helped him tilt it up and he took a sip! We cheered him on and he took a few more. He wasn't sure what to think about the water - but he didn't hate it!

I got him the kind that you can suck kind of like a big straw bc I have heard that is easier for them to figure out. It seemed to work great!

Logan loves to dump over his baskets and play with everything - haha its too cute. Then we sing the Clean Up Song and pick it all up.

Playing with his new toys - its an early birthday present

Logan has said his da da da's and ma ma ma's a few times this past week. I can't wait until he associates Trey and I with these names! He has also started shaking his head in the "No" which has been hilarious. He doesn't know what it means, but its funny bc he seems to do it in perfect timing when Trey or I say something or do something that he might object too. Oh dear - isn't it too soon for that Mister? :)

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