
First Family Trip!

We took our first family trip this past weekend and had a blast! My mom took us to Gastons fishing resort in Arkansas. (Long story - Dad was supposed to go with some buddies but work called and he had to return to SA so mom invited us to join her) It was so nice to have a little getaway and Logan loved it!

Look at this load! I packed for what seemed like hours to get us all ready - I really didn't think about how MUCH stuff we needed even to be gone for 2 days. Whoa. Not only did Trey and I need our stuff, but Logan had a suitcase of his own (my dear Louis V. - its only fitting) :) Of course I had to pack tons of onesies, sleepers, every burp cloth we own, socks, blankets, diapers and wipes, all his bottles/feeding accessories, my pumping accessories and pump, play toys, playgym, nap nanny, etc, etc, etc.

Oh yes - here it all is in all its glory... (there was still more added to this pile a few minutes later)

But, we made it there safely and Logan did wonderful - he got fussy the last 30 minutes or so, but overall he was such a good car baby. We are BLESSED! :)

Trey and Mr. Logan in the cabin

The next morning - waking up in the window. He loved looking out of this bay window

Big Stretch!

Sweet Boy!

And the smiling begins - he smiles all morning - love it!

Shy Smile

"Mamma is goofy" smile...

Discovering his hands - very new to him :)

Lookin right in the camera - awwww

We bundled him up to take him on a walk. It was soo chilly - my kind of weather and I ate it up. Love love love FALL!!

Gastons has this neat bird area with some fascinating and beautiful birds - Peacocks, Pheasants, and others.

Super Dad!!

Logan continuing his nap once we made it back to the cabin

He didn't do great when we ate at the Restaurant both nights - but fortunately NO ONE was there the second night - it was completely dead other than us. He just was hungry, tired, fussy, and wanted to be held. Grammy and Logan - smiling at each other - too sweet!

Mom helped out so much - we all took turns with Logan, but she held him most of the meals to let Trey and I eat first, and she even kept him in her room 1 night so we could get some quality sleep! THANKS Mom!!! That meant so much to us - we got some much needed rest :)
Happy baby - his newest discovery (as I mentioned earlier) are his hands. he stares at them, putting them in his mouth and putting one hand on top of the other pulling them both to his mouth. We also discovered that he likes his burp cloths near his mouth and he licks and sucks on them to soothe himself. I got home and pulled out one of his lovies - George the Giraffe and he likes him! He isn't really into the soothies/pacis and he will suck on his wubbanub a little bit, but he knows its different than the bottle and would rather chew/suck on the bottle even if there isn't anything in it. Silly boy :)

He is cooing and smiling more and more - he even giggled the other day once - too precious! Love this stage, we are having so much fun together :) I looked at the calendar the other day and realized I have to go back to work in 3 weeks. UGH. I am so not looking forward to that - I am loving my time with Logan and can't even think about returning right now. I am gonna try to soak up all my time with him and push work out of my brain for 3 more weeks!
Oh, and HAPPY FALL YA'LL! My weather has made it - cooler evenings have arrived!! I am burning my pumpkin spice candle as I type and pulled out my fall soaps this week. Ahhhhh my favorite time of the year!

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