
14 months!

Someone is SUPER excited to be 14 months and fever free!! We have been sick over here - for days...ugh. He was a mix of teething (cutting all 4 molars top and bottom!) and snotty, stuffy, and feverish. We took him to the doctor and they said a Fever Virus (which is I think what they say when they have zero clue what is wrong with your child) Makes sense right?

His strep test came back negative so that was good and ears looked great. Humph. Doesn't explain why he was SCREAMING yesterday - totally unhappy until we went to visit Grammy and Grandad and then he was distracted, but still didn't feel good. Poor little guy :( And to top it all off I am not feeling good - sore throat and stuffy, achy too so maybe I have what he has without the temp? Who knows...I just know I want everyone in our house to FEEL better!!


Whatevs mom

So here is what 14 months looks like:

- 22 lbs at the sick visit this week
- probably 30-31 inches
-sleeping 7 pm - 7 am and 1, maybe 2 naps during the day. These are very random - usually about 1-2 hours total, usually on the lighter side.
-eats 3 meals and 2 snacks. Still kinda picky - loves cheese toast, pb sandwiches, chicken nugguts, puree food, cheese, puffs, gerber cereal bars, cheerios, bananas, and waffles. Still doesn't like green veggies or any other items for that matter (no potatoes, etc)

- size 4 diapers, 5 at night
- drinks sippy cups with water and milk through the day and we finally took away the evening bottle - he did great! Did fuss just doesnt drink that much of his milk but its getting better.

- Has a temper on him! He gets frustrated and cries out and gets angry/upset when you tell him "no touch" and move him away from said object. He will definitely test his boundaries. Can definitely be a little stinker :)

- loves books - story time is his favorite! still loves wheels and things that spin, is walking everywhere almost all the time!! Rarely crawls at home. He can say dog, wa wa for water, ball, mama, dada, he also calls the fan wawa.

helping me wash clothes :)

makes my heart happy that he loves book so much :)

He will still play in the pack n play for a little while if needed - like when getting ready, etc

he is obsessed with boogie wipes out of his drawer

He is such a joy to be around - I love his little personality and even though its exhausting when he is sick - that little smile when I go into get him in the morning just radiates all over me. Love that sweet sweet boy!

Here are a couple of videos - he loves book time and will sit semi patiently while we read almost 10-14 of his favorite books and some several times! Notice his legs moving - this is what he does when he is excited about a book - it is so cute! Excuse my voice :)

Big man walking!! (yes he is in a halloween outfit - its all I had at the time!)

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