
Good Ole Power Washin Fun!

Trey borrowed a power washer for our house over the weekend and Logan loved watching him wash the walkway and front porch.

Letting his little gut hang out :)

Love that diaper booty

He thought it was hilarious to see the water shoot over the glass - he was all giggles!

He looks so big watching his baby einstein night dvd - my little toddler.

And what a toddler he is let me tell you! He has been pushing and testing limits all day long - he giggles and laughs when I tell him "no" and brushes food off his tray and laughs when I remove the tray with the food. Oh dear... I know he is too little to really understand whats going on - but I've got to remind myself that when he is hysterically laughing at me while I am being so serious. (of course its also hard not to laugh bc he is so stinkin cute...but I don't dare laugh!)

gulping water - thank goodness he likes it!

"Gah Mom" I am not ready for these attitude faces!

Not sure if I have mentioned it but he is down to 1 nap a day - but still has rest time in the AM. Oh and his second day of mothers day out went okay - he loved playing but refused to eat anything for lunch and only slept 20 minutes. Humph. I have faith it WILL get better!! :)

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