
Hodge Podge

We have been getting back into the groove since our vacation and we randomly went to the Wonder Place yesterday to get out of the house for some playtime. I get the feeling Logan gets bored sometimes at home - esp now that he wonders all over the house and by his first nap he has "been there and done that." Luckily he forgets and we do it all over again after lunch! So he was in a good mood and I thought I would just let him crawl all over TWP since he keeps going for the off limits places in the house :)

He had a ball!

He really enjoyed himself this time, not that he hasn't before, but he actually crawled all over the playspace and was in charge of his own playtime where before I would have to take him to different areas and sit him down with a few toys. He loved it! He would giggle and was chasing a ball around for a long time.

On the food front he has been doing so much better! He is trying more food that I put on his tray thank goodness. He is becoming quite the fan of cheese (I mean really, it was only a matter of time...) and he has cheese toast every day for either lunch or dinner. And I mean almost the whole toast! Of course I tear it off into pea sized bites but he really likes it. He has also tried peas, carrots, squash, cherries, and toast with cream cheese. Oh and pinto beans. He has also tried PF Changs food, Mexican rice and beans, Cracker Barrel carbs, and most recently Greek food! I don't think he was a fan at all, but he did try felafel and pita with hummus.

sampling his cheese toast

half blink happiness!

Like I said earlier, he is all over the place. I can safely say this is what chasing a baby is like! I thought, well he doesn't move that fast or what are all these moms talking about? My apologies. Its here. Its upon me. I am exhausted. He really loves crawling and discovering and mainly chasing Sophie around. He is now laughing at her - when she plays with her toys he giggles and he follows her everywhere. He desperately tries to get into her water bowl and managed to dump it over today. Like I said people, he is FAST :) When he sees her after a nap or in the morning he opens his mouth for her to smell/lick his tongue. Its so gross - but he does it all the time after he hasn't seen her in a while. Too funny!

Pulling up on everything he can find - he hasn't made much of an attempt to walk yet - but he started trying to jump today and kind of dance which made me laugh - he was so cute! We danced together as he held onto the kitchen chair and he was laughing the whole time :)

He is also opening and closing the front door - and bedroom doors. He will open the door, peek outside, then close it. And do it again and again.

He also discovered opening and closing our kitchen cabinets today and while he was practicing closing both I bet you can guess what happened. Yep. Our first smashed little finger. It wasn't bad, he let out a little yelp and I looked down and he had it closed in there. He cried for a second and then was off crawling in search of the chihuahua.

My tough little cookie :)

He has also started really studying the photos in his album book. I name the people then he looks and turns the pages.

Look how BIG he is!!!?? I can't believe it. He is sooo long!

Other things I want to document and remember are that he hardly ever cries or fusses before naptime or bedtime. He is so used to the routine he just plays for a little while and then either talks himself to sleep or sings or just passes out :) It is soooo nice to just put him in the crib and not have to worry about crying fits. Of course we did have those times when we first did crib bootcamp and on and off times since then but few and far between.

He goes to bed still at 7 pm and wakes up at 5-6 am for a bottle then goes back down until 7:30-9 am. He has two naps one usually around 10:30-11 am and the other around 2:30 pm. Naps range from 30 min to 2 hours - all over the place!

He is teething again poor guy - not real fussy, but drooling and chewing on everything. He has been clingy during the day and got fussy once so far. Way different than when he was teething to get his first top/bottom toothies. He was not a happy camper during that process. :(

Also he does have a little temper on him! It mainly comes out when its time for his meal and you put him in the high chair and if hes not quite ready to quit playing or if hes too hungry he will straighten his legs, arch his back, and cry/scream in madness. The only other time he does it to me is during diaper changes sometimes. But the good thing is he quickly gets over it and moves on :)

Here is a little video clip of the beach. This is when he was done with it and ready to go but here it is anyway :)

Here he is opening the cabinets - had to show it - he is SOOO BIG!

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