
Busy Busy Busy!

I haven't been great on updates on the blog - I think because I am SO busy keeping up with a crawling baby! Boy that really changes your life - I am exhausted! I don't even wanna think about when he is walking everywhere - eeek! Here is some of what we've been up to...
peaking outside the front door - opening and closing it

Opening the gate pieces

Loving kitchen time - he is obsessed with the kitchen. Always goes in there and open/closes cabinets and pulls up on chairs and his highchair and plays with his approved kitchen pieces.

Staring at the microwave - he loves to watch it run

This is what I see most all day long - his little booty crawling away from me at a fast pace! :)

This is also what he is obsessed with - fans. Any way he can get them! He goes from room to room looking to see if his fans are on or off.

It is too cute - he gets so excited to see that they are on for him :)

Logan checking our his shadow

And getting into sacks...

He had a serious case of the giggles the other day when we were playing on our master bed - he would crawl then I would pretend to throw him down onto the covers and he would laugh hysterically and want to do it again and again.
Got some cute pics - he is living it up!

Some are turned the wrong way and I can't fix them - sorry!
I had to hang on or he would have gone over!

Serious face and big ole chunky thighs :)

Sophie and Logan playing in the hallway

He just discovered the bathroom cabinets/drawers - uh oh!

I am way excited because I just discovered these amazing organic beauties! This is a brand of baby food that I heard of but couldn't find at the store. Well I found it - and they combine neat mixtures - well see for yourself! He loves them and this way it ensure he gets his veggies but mixed in with fruit to make it taste good. Love it when I find a new item that he loves!
I realized I didn't do an 11 mo stat post - whoops! So here we go for my records:
1. He is wearing a size 3 but is really in 4's after this batch is done
2. He is eating pretty good sized meals 3 times a day. Bfast is oatmeal with bananas, lunch is a fruit, veggie, and usually cut up cheese, peas, carrots, etc. Dinner is fruit/veggie and cheese toast with peas. He has 6 bottles with 6 oz a day.
3. His schedule is still pretty great - goes down at 7 pm then wakes up around 5-6 for a bottle, goes back down until 8-9. Then he takes 2 naps a day roughly 10 or 11 am and 2-3 pm. Though the last few days he has been doing strangeness. He gets up at 9:30 am and won't nap! He plays in his crib for an hour! Or he will sleep for 20 min and play the rest of the time. No clue whats going on - hope it doesn't last...maybe he is trying to get rid of a nap time?
4. He still has two top and two bottom teeth but is teething again
5. He hasn't been (knock on wood) sick again this month - whew!
6. His new tricks include opening/closing doors, opening/closing cabinets, standing and pulling up on everything. Loving book time - he will go on his own and pick out books to look at then wants me to read them - all of his favorites one by one. It is precious! His favs are: Frosty Snowman, Miss Spiders Tea Party, Peekaboo Baby, Mimis Farm, Skip to my Lou, Touch and Feel, If I were a Hippo
He definitely has developed a little temper when he doesn't get his way or isn't ready to be changed or fed. No throwing yet, just tears, straightening of legs, arching of the back, etc. He is really great about playing on his own. When he sees me he wants me to come play but he will play for 30 -40 min sometimes just doing his own thing. At playgroup is can be pretty independent. He will play then even go up to some of the moms and want them to talk to him/pick him up! Definitely doesn't get that from me - I was painfully shy - and I am so glad he isn't right now.
He is saying ma ma ma, da da da, ba ba ba, la la la, na na na's.
And last but not least he is the CUTEST darn thing I have ever seen :)

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