
We All Need A Little Glee In Our Lives...

Well, its here! The season premiere of Glee - the new TV show that has singing, dancing, and DRAMA! I watched the special preview after AI in May and it was hilarious - very quirky - but interesting! Of course it made me want to see the season and it premiers tonight in 20 minutes!

Who's with me? Any of you out there watching Glee too? Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think!

This show really makes me wish I could sing - like - seriously sing...

Today I ran errands all day, but I did buy a shoe rack at BBB - thank goodness! I desperately needed some organization with my beloved besties, and from the picture below...

You can TELL that I had no method to the madness AT ALL. Pathetic. This is also on Trey's side of the bed and I know he is just THRILLED to wake up in the morning to find my crazy shoes sprawled out everywhere. Sorry Hunny! ;)

The new shoe rack... (and yes my closet walls are pepto bismol pink.... love it!)

And Ta Da... with my shoes neatly hanging! Voila - simple as that!

Back to work tomorrow, I have LOVED every second of my time off - but I only go back for two days then its the weekend! :) YAY!!!

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