
Look At The Presents Our Chihuahua Left For Us...

We got home from lunch at PF Changs today, and discovered a huge MESS! Sophie typically chews a corner of a pee pad or newspaper, or pulls one pad out of its box...but oh no...not today, we came home to the whole enchilada! She pulled Bella's papers our of both boxes and ripped them up, she pulled her soiled pee pads and scattered the remnants all over the house, amongst other moved items. We opened the door and she was just hopping around, tail wagging, and so excited we were finally home. We, on the other hand, we not as excited to see her. Poor Bella was off in the corner like "Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with this crazy mess." ha!

I immediately put Soph in a "time out" in her crate for her to "think about what she'd done" and when I came back this is the face I see...

How can you resist that sweet, innocent face? God blessed her with cuteness, its her only saving grace!

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