
You're Invited To A Pity Party

I am sure you are wondering what on earth would lead me to post that title - don't you worry I will get to that...but first and more importantly, I just have to say I LOVE that my little guy is still completely loving his pack n play for morning time before breakfast! As soon as he wakes up we change diaper then I pop him in here with his toys and music then I am off to make his bfast and start on mama's coffee. He entertains himself and is happy as a clam so I can quietly wake up (we all know how hard mornings are for me - I am SO not a morning person!)

Enjoying some bananas before the waffles - yum!

love his little laugh - we have been practicing humming and then popping your hand on and off your mouth making an "Indian noise" (okay sorry, totally not politically correct but you catch my drift) Not sure what to call that....don't mean to offend! Anyway, he loves it and laughs hysterically every time.

The Smirk....

He is still really liking his diner - he stirs cups with his spoon and rearranges all his pretend food. So cute!

Eating a snack or lunch - not sure which but enjoying being naked!

Staring at the falling big flakes of SNOW on Monday - he was mesmerized! Unfortunately, it didn't stick or keep falling long enough for us to get him bundled and outside to enjoy. But he sure was fascinated watching it.

Mom was over since she didn't want to get "snowed in" on her street and helping me (hence the Pity Party title... its coming, its coming...promise)
Mom took Logan outside to see everything and light snow/sleet was falling at this point...

The toddler making a fun for it! ha

Our little escapee :) He was so upset - he thought he was going into the car for a ride....and was mad that we dragged him out for just a little snow. Poor thing :)

We found these trees in his huge animal bag we gave him for Christmas that has 1 of almost every kind of animal - since he is obsessed with anything animal! The branches spin so of course he is obsessed...he played with these trees forever - the rest of the afternoon.

And the famous Ball Pit! He is loving this thing more and more....

He will tump it over and roll all around inside - and laugh and giggle...and do it all over again. All the balls fall out and he thinks that is hilarious so he crawls all around pushing them everywhere. Tons of fun for him - not so much for whoever has to clean up an find all of the 100 balls. Seesh.
Static hair!

hanging out at his diner :)

And about that little Party you are invited too...this should explain it ALL...................
Yep. A bone chip in my left foot. No bueno folks, no bueno. I was loading a brand new 6 foot folding table I got for my 31 parties into my car on Friday evening and it is pretty heavy and I couldn't find the handle (that was tucked inside) and I lifted it to put in the back of my car when it slipped from my hands and BOOM - landed right on my left foot in the middle, between the toes and ankle. YOWZA!!!! It immediately knocked the breath out of me and I cried salty tears in my driveway for a few until I limped inside and frantically called Trey yelling for him to rush home. I felt it swelling so I dropped to the floor in our laundry room and flipped over a laundry basket to elevate it. It was the worst pain next to child birth and we all know how I feel about that whole experience!
So, I couldn't get the boot off, or didn't want to take it off bc it HURT TOO DARN MUCH and I iced it over my boot for a while. Then I finally got up enough guts to pull the boot off - it was either that or cut it off and I LOVE those darn grey boots so that was hardly an option. It finally came off - another round of excruciating pain - then we iced my foot and kept it elevated all the rest of the night. Luckily, Logan was staying at my moms house because I don't know how we would have dealt with him since this happened at 5 pm.
Basically, I stayed off my foot Saturday and most of Sunday and finally got into see the doctor on Tuesday and they did xrays which confirmed it was a Bone Chip. Which apparently is a good thing - it isn't quite as serious as a fracture and thank goodness its not broken! Healing is 2-4 weeks, hopefully 2 weeks to walk then 4 for exercise. WAY better than 6-8 weeks!!! Whew.
So I just wear this special shoe when I leave the house and take Ibuprofen to help the swelling go down. It isn't as painful now, but just annoying because I am walking on my heel around the house. My wonderful mother has been helping and taking care of me and Logan - thank goodness!!!!!
Yes, I am so very thankful its just a chip - but honestly, I am still inviting you to a Pity Party in my honor because this still stinks and I am so FRUSTRATED and way upset that I have been working SO hard with my exercise and weight loss that now I am just stuck....waiting.....patiently.....until I can work out again. And trying to stay in my calorie range to not gain weight back. So far so good - thank-you-lean-cuisines.
Alas, I must dig those Big Girl Panties out of my drawer and put a few pairs on to remind myself I can deal with this - get through this - and in a year this will all be a small blip in our lives.
But, for tonight - you will find me laying on the couch, pouty lips, feeling a tad sorry for myself and watching Real Housewives... Tomorrow is a new day and I think those Big Girl Panties will be calling my name :)

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