
Who Me? Organized?

Well - I finally did it... I went into the Container Store last weekend for the FIRST time and let me say that it is absolute heaven! I have not allowed myself to even go near the parking lot for fear I would lose total control and buy one of everything in the store (will power HAD to be in full check!) So I left the credit cards at home and made my way to this fabulous store. I probably spent an hour and a half just walking up and down every aisle just oooohing and awwwing at all of the wonderful organizational items. Amazing.

I did allow myself to purchase one item and that was a gift bag organizer which was on SALE! I have been shoving all of my gift bags and tissue paper into the bottom of a closet (totally chaotic) and this was a perfect solution! I rushed home and filled it up and placed it back in the closet - nice, neat, and completely organized. Ahhhhhh what a good feeling.

I mean... who wouldn't LOVE to have this closet???

I also got a mini flag to put outside our house for the summer. I love the colors and it adds to the front of the house.

Please excuse the bare ground - we are in-between planting bushes, flowers, etc.

I just LOVE Spring!!!

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