
Avocados Anyone?

Logan getting ready to try avocados - he is so interested in these bibs!

First taste...

second taste...

Wiping his mouth - see I wasn't lying :)

and a SMILE! Hooray - he likes avocados!!!

Definitely my child - I heart avocados.

watching daddy being silly

Thank you again for wiping your mouth Logan - huge help to mommy and daddy :)

Eagerly wanting another bite -

Sucking off the avocado remnants - ha!

Avocado was yesterday and we tried carrots again today. He seemed to like them a little better! I did add some breastmilk so maybe that made a difference? Since it incorporated a familiar flavor he is used too - not sure but he swallowed a few bites so that is progress! Next up - Sweet Potatoes - yum yum!

The photo session went wonderful - I was worried about how he would do since it was around his second naptime but he lasted almost a full hour - we had him smiling and laughing. I think she was able to get some great shots - can't wait to see a preview!

I am feeling great - been exercising with my turbo jam dvds and getting back in the groove. I did it 4 days last week and will start back up tomorrow - I have been doing the dvds while Logan plays and swings, but am gonna try to do it during naptime tomorrow. I end up having to change him into different play things a few different times during the video and it might be easier if I just try to get it done while he is asleep - without waking him up! Whew - wish me luck :)

Gotta run - Trey's making Potato Leek soup for dinner and I m STARVING! I will do an update after our 6 month doctors appt on Thursday - can't wait to see how big this boy is getting!

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