Isn't this the life? She lives for the morning sunshine - she basks in it all morning or until she is so hot she is panting and hot to the touch - silly Chihuahua :)
my 2 favorite guys
We went to his 6 month doctors appointment yesterday and this is Logan in the main waiting room. Don't let this sweet pic fool you, right after this photo he started fussing and nothing calmed him down. We had to pull him out so he could see everyone. Then, he took his toys to play with. Almost gone are the days when he just stayed in the car seat the whole time :)
Feeding him a bottle in the waiting room before
He did pretty good - since he is so much more aware now, he cried when the nurse took him from us to measure him and weigh him. He could see us in the background and I think that made him cry even more :(
Stats at 6 months:
Weight - 17 lbs and 13 oz 52%
Length - 26 1/4 39%
Head - 17 1/4 48%
I had my list of questions to ask Dr. Youngblood. I just love her - she is so calm and sweet. We are lucky we found her! I told her he has zero interest in rolling over (in fact he screams every time he is on his tummy and done playing - he just won't do it) she asked if we'd seen him do it before and we have, so she said no worries. That is just his little personality - ah a feisty one I see :) He is sort of sitting with support - but doing better each day! She held him and commented on what good support he has with his head and how strong he is while he stood on her.
I also asked her about food - there are so many conflicting articles out there. Feed them 3 or more times a day, before bottles, after bottles, less than 3 times, only 1 time with rice cereal, no meats until 8 months, meats before 8 months...........blah blah blah. It is confusing and exhausting to read! So, she said they are just testing food out - getting used to all these different flavors and learning to use the spoon. So, she said some babies only want a few bites twice a day and some want 3 meals at 6-7 months. So, we are going with what we think - Logan seems to love his highchair and meal time, so we are doing rice cereal every morning after his first bottle of the day. I think I will start adding fruit to that as well.
Then, I am offering 2 other foods twice a day after the rice cereal. This week has been carrots or avocados, or sweet potatoes and avocados. I need to go to the store this weekend and buy green veggies and fruit to start that. He is still loving the avocados. He eats the whole bowl which is 2-3 tbsp! He still doesn't like the carrots or sweet potatoes. He actually refused the carrots again today so we'll keep trying. But he might just not like them which is totally fine :) Lets be honest, I ate the mess out of some avocados (hello Guacamole!) during pregnancy and while I'm pumping. But haven't eaten carrots hardly at all. Just don't like them very much - unless they are dunked in ranch! And I don't like cooked carrots. Coincidence? Hummmmmmmmmmmm :)
yep. icky sweet potatoes
wait! maybe I like them now?
nah - just teasing you! He spit them all out after this photo and refused anymore - ha!
She said to start a sippy cup at 9 months to get them used to holding it and he might even try to drink from it to start the weaning process from a bottle at a year. We don't go back until 9 months and no shots at that appointment! He did okay with shots this time, he got so many - poor little guy. He screamed while they were happening - but as soon as I picked him up he was fine. But, today he has been very calm and not moving his legs hardly at all. One of his little legs is red and probably swollen/sore. We gave him some Tylenol to help - he just lays on his playmat not moving. Poor baby! He also got a flu shot - which was recommended by the Doctor. He has taken a very long nap today which is not normal - he is still taking only 3-4 15 - 30 min naps every day.
Also, the last 2 nights he slept all the way through the night 7 pm - 7:30 am! He usually gets up at 4-5 am for a bottle then goes back down until 7-8 am, but not the past couple of nights - I wonder if its the extra food he is getting? He ate the whole bowl of avocados at 4 pm yesterday and that is a lot of calories, etc and he drank his bottle like usual at 6 pm. We'll see!
We are just so thankful and beyond blessed to have such a happy, healthy little boy - makes momma's heart happy :)
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