
Work Shower and Happy Friday!

Oh Happy Friday!! I had my Work Shower today and my sweet co-workers Michelle and Kelly did a wonderful job setting everything up and with the decor - it was so pretty! Of course the colors were perfect - blue, white, and chocolate. Kelly created this super cute diaper cake - wow!

I only wished I were that creative!

Present table...

Cake table - YUM!

My Mama-to-be bracelet they got me to wear during the shower - too cute and a great keepsake!

Yummy cake from Blue Cake Company - it was so cute and tasted delicious!!

Opening presents - I really got some great items! This is my last shower and I got a good mix of practical items I will definitely need and cutsey fun clothes and items I love and am happy to have.

Me holding a board that everyone signed with Logan's pic on it with my two dear hostesses Michelle and Kelly. Thanks girls! You did such an amazing job and I felt so special - what a wonderful shower. :)

It was so sweet of everyone who came and showered me with gifts for Logan - he is one lucky little boy!!

Here is a pic - 33 1/5 weeks along! Whew - I feel huge and it is definitely getting uncomfortable to stand, walk, sit, and everything in between!

I am also ready to not have heartburn or acid reflux after every meal - geez. Tums Smoothies are my best friends right now - seriously - I love those little suckers! Tomorrow I am going to brunch with Lauren and Somerset to celebrate Lauren's birthday - then, we are going to see Sex and the City 2!!! Yay for Girls day!! My Dad is also in town so we are having dinner with them tomorrow evening which will be nice.
Cheers to a good weekend!

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