
34 1/2 Weeks and COUNTING!

YAY for 34 1/2 weeks!!! It is funny, I am so ready to get this baby boy out into the world - and yet at the same time I am SO NOT ready to give birth and be responsible for a baby. Oh, and the lack of sleep. Yeah, that is definitely a big concern! ;)

I have been doing okay - definitely feeling like a large beached whale. I have perfected The Waddle - I promise, I have it down to a science. Everyone at work sees me and says "Dang girl - you are ready to have that baby huh?" Um yeah, thanks. You noticed. My clients stare at my tummy like the Alien is going to pop out at any moment. Seriously. I know its big - I know there is a baby in there - and yes my due date is approaching. Get. Over. It. (And Quit STARING!)

Sleep is definitely getting worse - he is finally off my sciatic nerve, for now, thank goodness! But I toss and turn from side to side all while adjusting my insanely large body pillow - I go pee every 2 hours like clockwork. And the craziest news of the week is I had morning sickness TWICE yesterday! I know, I know, you are thinking "WHAT? In the third trimester?" Oh yes - full on morning sickness. I ate my yummy raisin bran cereal and then promptly ran to the toilet to throw it all up. Lovely huh? I hope it was a fluke - I didn't get sick today and I am crossing fingers tomorrow goes smoothly.

Lets see what other fun things are happening - oh yes - how could I forget the fact that Logan has been either viciously kicking me or head butting my pelvic bone area for days - since Monday to be exact. It is this crazy weird pain and I have to stop what I am doing and pull my tummy up and stretch out for him to stop. Its a sick little game he likes to play - but this mama ain't laughing. I definitely see what everyone has been talking about the Third Trimester being the worst. In that aspect - I am READY! :)

We had our breast feeding class tonight and it went well. I did learn a lot of info and got a great booklet. I am still deciding on whether I want to exclusively pump or breastfeed and pump. I have been reading and thinking hard about it - we'll see! I know I want him to have breast milk - it just might be from a bottle.

Trey and I are going to Memphis for our last trip before baby boy arrives! I am excited! My Doctor said I should be fine as long as I don't walk a lot and I drink lots of water. I can handle that - I will be eating good food, resting, watching TV, and doing low key things and spending the last quiet time with my hubby before Logan comes. Much needed R&R :)

I will write and post pics when we return - oh and Tuesday is my 35 week Doc appt where she will check me for the first time. Eeek! I will definitely post if there is anything going on....or not going on ;)

Happy Friday!!

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