
No News is Good News...

Well - no news. I had my 35 week appt and my Doctor checked me and nothing is going on. Literally. She said that was very normal - but I halfway expected something to be happening! Oh well - it is still a little early, so another couple of weeks and we are good to go.

She did the fetal stress test on Logan to make sure he was doing good - and he checked out great. I had to clock each time he moved or kicked and it was enough for her to think he was doing fine in my tummy.

She wants me to start coming twice a week from now on. It seems like a lot but she said so much can change within a matter of a couple of days that it is the safest bet to check me and him 2 times a week instead of 1. I love it that she is so proactive and I feel good that I chose her to be my doctor. She is definitely cautious! :)
So, no news is definitely good news at this point. I go back Friday and will write if there is any change!

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