
Love and Marriage...

Yesterday, June 30th, was our 3 year wedding anniversary!

It's so hard to believe 3 years have already gone by... I still remember our wedding day like it was last week. And now we have a sweet baby on the way - in about 3 weeks! WOW!

So much has changed since then - we are so extremely blessed and I just feel super lucky I found Trey - he fits so perfectly in my life. :)
We didn't do a lot for our anniversary, but we did go to our favorite steak restaurant: Colonial! It was soooo yummy - as always. It never disappoints! It was exceptionally good this time - maybe because we haven't been in months, or because we know we won't go back for months once Logan is here. ;)

Love Sweet Love...

We got our desserts To Go and brought them home to sample while we watched our wedding dvd. We watched it our first year, then skipped last year, so its been a while. It was so fun to watch! We loved seeing everyone - all our dear family and friends coming together to celebrate us. Just makes you feel so very special. We laughed at the reception dvd where everyone was dancing up a storm - especially Mama Teresa! :) What wonderful and amazing memories to last a lifetime. It was one of the best days of our lives.

Here I am large and in charge at 36 1/2 weeks! Cannot believe next week I will be FULL TERM - how amazing does that sound? Logan - I am ready when you are my dear sweet boy! :)


Fabulous Giveaway!

Hey YOU!

For all you lovely bloggers out there check out this UH-MAZING giveaway at www.robertslove.blogspot.com

Stop by for a visit to their super cute blog and blog makeover giveaway - yay! :)


Water Please?

I have been consuming enormous amounts of water since the weather is so insanely hot. Yes, I know I mention this every post - but it is definitely on my mind as I sit here almost sweating while I type. Ick. The air is cranked down - but it doesn't matter. That darn heat is still seeping its way into my house making me miserable. I have every fan on in every room and an ice cold cup of water glued to my hand. My mom would definitely be proud! :)

Enough about the hotness - we had a good evening last night. Somerset and Steven grilled kabobs and corn and we threw together pasta salad and went over for a low key evening. John was working, but Lauren did not disappoint with the yummy desserts! We laughed, talked, and discussed all things baby since Lauren and I are coming to the end of our pregnancies.

Mmmmmm yummy food

Decadent desserts - absolutely SINFUL! Don't worry, we passed them around and had bites of all of them :)

Me, Somerset, and Lauren

Trey pointing to Baby Logan

Happy Parents-to-be (we don't even have a clue yet...this is why we are blissfully happy)

Today, Trey put together the stroller system and we got out the car seat to make sure it fit into the bases we purchased. He put the bases into our cars to be ready!

Soph right in the middle of everything - as always ;)

I am just in love with our stroller and car seat - the colors are so pretty!

There are SO many parts, snaps, buckles, hinges, etc. Whew - Trey was showing me everything I had to do to make sure Logan will be safely secure in the stroller with his car seat and wow. I am nervous! I know I will get the hang of it - but there are A LOT of steps to remember. Luckily the car seat just snaps into the base for the car - that is nice, not a lot of drama there. The stroller is a whole other issue - I will get the hang of it eventually.
I go back to the doctor on Tuesday - I will give an update then. Oh, and this week is actually filled with excitement! Not only is our 3 year anniversary on Wednesday - but Eclipse is coming out the same day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOO EXCITED!!! Of course I cannot attend the midnight showing like I did with Twilight and New Moon since I am 9 months - standing in line for hours, in the heat, does not sound like fun right now. I told Trey we did not have to spend our anniversary night watching sparkly vampires - but we definitely will be this weekend!! :)


35 1/2 weeks!

Everything is going well - went to the doctor today and she did the fetal stress test again - she will continue to do this twice a week until he is born. He was fine - heart rate was good, my blood pressure was good, and nothing new to report. She did not check me again - I think she is only checking me once a week. Here are my 35 week pics as promised! :)

I swear my belly gets bigger every DAY! :)

This weekend I am getting the rest of his nursery squared away - washing the last load of clothes and putting diapers in the diaper stacker. I need to wash bottles and make a check list of all the things we haven't done yet. We did get our car seat bases in the mail and need to check to make sure they fit our car seat! That is on the agenda for tomorrow...along with cleaning the house and packing my hospital bag! This exhausted mama is headed to bed ;)


No News is Good News...

Well - no news. I had my 35 week appt and my Doctor checked me and nothing is going on. Literally. She said that was very normal - but I halfway expected something to be happening! Oh well - it is still a little early, so another couple of weeks and we are good to go.

She did the fetal stress test on Logan to make sure he was doing good - and he checked out great. I had to clock each time he moved or kicked and it was enough for her to think he was doing fine in my tummy.

She wants me to start coming twice a week from now on. It seems like a lot but she said so much can change within a matter of a couple of days that it is the safest bet to check me and him 2 times a week instead of 1. I love it that she is so proactive and I feel good that I chose her to be my doctor. She is definitely cautious! :)
So, no news is definitely good news at this point. I go back Friday and will write if there is any change!


Walking in Memphis...

Actually, that is exactly what we did NOT do in Memphis this weekend - walk a lot! Whew - let me just say that it is entirely TOO HOT in Arkansas - and Tennessee! Oh my - I seriously almost melt every time I step outside. Just Dreadful. But, we did have an amazing last getaway weekend before Logan arrives!! It was calm, peaceful, and full of yummy food!! Of course at 35 weeks I was uncomfortable to say the least, but it was well worth it. Some last minute precious time with my hubby is just what I needed. We tried to soak in all the quiet we could, because in a few weeks there will be no quiet, probably not again for 18 years! ha!

We arrived Saturday and checked into the hotel. We decided to try River Oaks for dinner - but they were packed solid with reservations. So we agreed to sit in the bar area and have dinner. It was not crazy and it was still a nice area to be so we had a good time. I ordered a delish Shirley Temple (my pregnancy drink) and we had one of the best meals ever - seriously! It was quite expensive, but well worth it. I wish I took pics of the meal, but I forgot my camera that night. Appetizers were so good and the dinner was heavenly. I had halibut which was the best I've ever had - so fresh. Trey had duck which he went on and on about an hour after we left the restaurant. Key Lime pie was for dessert and it was tasty. It was a great experience and we will absolutely go back. We like to consider ourselves Foodies - somewhat - and it was definitely worth writing home about!

Sunday, Trey had two restaurants picked out from food network/blogs which were Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken and Central BBQ.

Gus's definitely lived up to its world famous name! It was the best fried chicken we have ever had - the crust was amazing and even my white meat was moist! Don't get us started about the sides - AMAZING!!!!

It was way too hot - as I mentioned before - so we drove around in the air conditioning of the car to downtown Memphis and looked at some of the historic spots. One of them being the hotel where MLK was shot and killed.

We decided to go see a movie in the air conditioning and we chose The Killers - too cute. It was a good movie - definitely a renter if you don't plan on seeing it in the theater.

We ate dinner at Central BBQ which was super good. I am not a huge meat fan - I mostly live on carbs, but the ribs at Central were to die for. Seriously. They were perfectly cooked and the meat was still juicy - oh. my.goodness. I ate more than half the order that we shared! I honestly cared more about the ribs than the mac and cheese! (crazy I know!)

We went to bed early and got up Sunday refreshed! Well - I was tired since I tossed and turned all night with my body pillow. Being 35 weeks is just plain uncomfortable. No way to get around it. But we ate at Dyer's Burgers before we left which was delish. They fry their burgers and it is definitely worth a stop on Beale street!

I am so glad we got to go for one last trip before baby boy arrives - it was a much needed getaway and so nice to spend time with Trey. I am sorry I didn't get pics of us on the trip - shame on me! But I will take a 35 week pic this week and post it - I go to the doctor today and will give an update if I am making any progress!


34 1/2 Weeks and COUNTING!

YAY for 34 1/2 weeks!!! It is funny, I am so ready to get this baby boy out into the world - and yet at the same time I am SO NOT ready to give birth and be responsible for a baby. Oh, and the lack of sleep. Yeah, that is definitely a big concern! ;)

I have been doing okay - definitely feeling like a large beached whale. I have perfected The Waddle - I promise, I have it down to a science. Everyone at work sees me and says "Dang girl - you are ready to have that baby huh?" Um yeah, thanks. You noticed. My clients stare at my tummy like the Alien is going to pop out at any moment. Seriously. I know its big - I know there is a baby in there - and yes my due date is approaching. Get. Over. It. (And Quit STARING!)

Sleep is definitely getting worse - he is finally off my sciatic nerve, for now, thank goodness! But I toss and turn from side to side all while adjusting my insanely large body pillow - I go pee every 2 hours like clockwork. And the craziest news of the week is I had morning sickness TWICE yesterday! I know, I know, you are thinking "WHAT? In the third trimester?" Oh yes - full on morning sickness. I ate my yummy raisin bran cereal and then promptly ran to the toilet to throw it all up. Lovely huh? I hope it was a fluke - I didn't get sick today and I am crossing fingers tomorrow goes smoothly.

Lets see what other fun things are happening - oh yes - how could I forget the fact that Logan has been either viciously kicking me or head butting my pelvic bone area for days - since Monday to be exact. It is this crazy weird pain and I have to stop what I am doing and pull my tummy up and stretch out for him to stop. Its a sick little game he likes to play - but this mama ain't laughing. I definitely see what everyone has been talking about the Third Trimester being the worst. In that aspect - I am READY! :)

We had our breast feeding class tonight and it went well. I did learn a lot of info and got a great booklet. I am still deciding on whether I want to exclusively pump or breastfeed and pump. I have been reading and thinking hard about it - we'll see! I know I want him to have breast milk - it just might be from a bottle.

Trey and I are going to Memphis for our last trip before baby boy arrives! I am excited! My Doctor said I should be fine as long as I don't walk a lot and I drink lots of water. I can handle that - I will be eating good food, resting, watching TV, and doing low key things and spending the last quiet time with my hubby before Logan comes. Much needed R&R :)

I will write and post pics when we return - oh and Tuesday is my 35 week Doc appt where she will check me for the first time. Eeek! I will definitely post if there is anything going on....or not going on ;)

Happy Friday!!


Work Shower and Happy Friday!

Oh Happy Friday!! I had my Work Shower today and my sweet co-workers Michelle and Kelly did a wonderful job setting everything up and with the decor - it was so pretty! Of course the colors were perfect - blue, white, and chocolate. Kelly created this super cute diaper cake - wow!

I only wished I were that creative!

Present table...

Cake table - YUM!

My Mama-to-be bracelet they got me to wear during the shower - too cute and a great keepsake!

Yummy cake from Blue Cake Company - it was so cute and tasted delicious!!

Opening presents - I really got some great items! This is my last shower and I got a good mix of practical items I will definitely need and cutsey fun clothes and items I love and am happy to have.

Me holding a board that everyone signed with Logan's pic on it with my two dear hostesses Michelle and Kelly. Thanks girls! You did such an amazing job and I felt so special - what a wonderful shower. :)

It was so sweet of everyone who came and showered me with gifts for Logan - he is one lucky little boy!!

Here is a pic - 33 1/5 weeks along! Whew - I feel huge and it is definitely getting uncomfortable to stand, walk, sit, and everything in between!

I am also ready to not have heartburn or acid reflux after every meal - geez. Tums Smoothies are my best friends right now - seriously - I love those little suckers! Tomorrow I am going to brunch with Lauren and Somerset to celebrate Lauren's birthday - then, we are going to see Sex and the City 2!!! Yay for Girls day!! My Dad is also in town so we are having dinner with them tomorrow evening which will be nice.
Cheers to a good weekend!


Can A Girl Get Some Sleep???

Does she look peaceful? Just sleeping and dreaming away... not a care in the world... this used to be me.

And now I just MISS SLEEP!!!! I know, I know, every pregnant woman in the world wishes they could sleep as good as before. Before the constant peeing every 2 hours, the restlessness, the leg cramps, uncomfortableness, backaches, etc. Well, I have been so fortunate during this pregnancy - I really have, and I shouldn't complain. BUT, the main issue I have is sleeping pain free. Yes, Logan's favorite place to lay is on my sciatic nerve which makes it raw and causes sharp, intense shooting, stabbing pain from my hip down to my knee on the right side of my right leg. It is awful! It causes me to jerk awake and I can't get comfortable again - if it is bad enough I have to take two Tylenol just to go back to sleep. Even with my beloved body pillow! I told my Doctor and she said I need to get on all fours (yes you read that right) and arch my back like a cat, then release it and wiggle my booty to get Logan to move out of that spot. Hello! Does that sound crazy to anyone but me?? It is often 2 am and I am exhausted, dead to the world tired, and she wants me to get into a crazy cat position to wiggle him away from my nerve? Oh dear. I tried it once and almost fell off the bed. So, I cannot WAIT to have my body back and sleep pain free once he is here - of course I won't get hours of sleep, but at least the time I am sleeping will be good - and free from shooting leg pain. I am almost scared to go to bed sometimes! Sleep is one of the best parts of my day - I used to get excited to go to bed - couldn't wait! I am a pro-sleeper clocking in at 9-14 hours a night easy. Not too much longer...I am in the homestretch!

Trey and I had Date Night like every Monday, but we went to a brand new restaurant called Bravo Italian that just opened near our house. It is a chain - but it was so yummy! We had a great time and ordered an appetizer, entree, and 2 desserts! Whew - we were STUFFED. But it was so delicious and good service. We won't have many more opportunities to do expensive date nights so we are taking advantage! :)


Simmons Baby Shower!

We had a busy weekend - but it was a blast! I took off work Thurs and Fri to prepare for Lauren and John's Couples Baby Shower we hosted this weekend at our house. Stanley Steemer cleaned the carpets on Thurs - they looked amazing - so fresh and clean! The doggies made their way to Grandma Wood's and hung out there all weekend (thanks Mom!) so we could prepare and let the carpets dry. We cleaned like maniacs and I bought new flowers to go in the pots outside since the purple pansies were on their death bed - they somehow survived the crazy winter and started blooming in Spring. But, they never looked quite the same.

So... I bought these beauties and planted them Friday.

Good bye to the old ones...

Hello new pretties!

Our garden flag - I put this one out because it matched the baby shower themed colors - green and blue

Ready for Shower Time - I put up this wreath - you might remember it from my Baby Shower only weeks before.

Balloons about to go on the mailbox...

A cute memo board Lauren bought for Austin's room and she let us borrow for the shower - we put pics of her and John as babies along with their invite

Plate I had made for them - one of their presents and decor for the shower - it matched their bedding perfectly! I took a burp cloth with the bedding print to Firefly Studio and they created this amazing plate - love it!

Photo board for guests to sign a message to Baby Austin

Cute sign I found on etsy.com - I am loving that website!
More decor and Favor table - guests could grab some candy on their way out with these little baggies and a scoop. I collected green and blue candy to match the shower theme

Yummy candy!

Beverage Station

Trey grilling hot dogs and hamburgers - he did a great job in that hot heat!!

The AMAZING cake made by Rachel, Lauren's sister. (She also made my shower cake) She does such beautiful, creative cakes and they taste divine! So moist and yummy!

The diaper cake made by Somerset - it was too cute - perfect colors and she even made a little turtle on top since they are one of Lauren's favorites

I got a little creative and painted the large A on the bottom for the shower - we thought it would look cute as part of the diaper cake - it turned out great!!

Parents-to-be posing before cutting the cake

Game Time! We played a Baby Facts game that was hilarious. (you might notice me appearing on the TV screen - I also asked John to put pics of their friends on a flash drive and we had it on repeat through the shower - it was a surprise for Lauren and definitely had people talking and reminiscing. :)

Then it was presents time - they got some great gifts for Baby Austin!

Hostesses with the Mostess! Ha! From the left: Somerset, Becca, Rachel, Lauren, Me, and Nicole. Becca and Rachel are Lauren's sisters and Nicole came in from NYC! Everyone did such a great job and we all had fun setting up and tearing down. Thanks girls!!!

Lauren and I (this is my 33 week picture!)

Have I mentioned I am officially 8 months?? It seems surreal how much time has flown by - I can hardly believe it. 8 months. Wow! I will try to start posting weekly preggo photos since the countdown is about to begin. I am still feeling pretty good - sleeping is definitely an issue - the leg pain and tossing during the night is killing me. Oh and the constant peeing every 2 hours. I am trying not to complain though - I have been super lucky and have had a great pregnancy so far - hope it continues going smoothly. :)