
The Wave!

So I am sure you are dying to know how Sippy Cup Hell is going? Its MUCH better!! After four days of boycotting anything liquid he finally took some sips from his cup and its been better. He isn't gulping yet but at least he can drink from it and usually its in his high chair after a meal of snack he will take 4-8 sips. I am feeling good about it - man that was a hard few days that I thought would never end. Of course I said the same thing about him not sleeping when he was a newborn and that passed :) But its torture when you are going through it! He still gets a 8 oz bottle before bed and that is perfectly okay with me for now. It ensures he gets at least 8 oz of his 16 oz minimum of milk per day and that he won't dehydrate.

So onto our next achievement! He can finally WAVE!!!!!! You have no idea how long we worked on this (also clapping but he still won't do that) so he can pretty much wave both hands on command - ie when he feels like it :)

He is so funny, this is his new favorite position while playing - looking under everything and laying down to see the different angles...

Giggles - mommy's tickles are so hilarious!

Laying down next to Sophie the Giraffe

It was Grandaddy's birthday this past week so we emailed him a few pics of Logan wishing him a happy bday with this sign :)

One of our playdates this past week was Pudding for toddlers! Meagan did a wonderful job making all kinds of fun colors/flavors for the babies to sample and get messy with. Logan was the first to check it out...

but after a second he was done. He stood up and cried until I cleaned him off and held him. Poor thing - I don't think he liked the feeling of all that pudding on his hands/feet :)

Family pic - its been a while since we've had one and I always forget so here we go!

We couldn't get him to smile in any of my pics... maybe next time

Here it is!! The Big WAVE! He has also taken two very shaky steps but they were total accident - he was holding onto the couch and his jumper was right next to it so he let go and pretty much fell into the jumper but his hands were free for those two little hobbles! He can also hold onto one of our hands and walk a little. He is almost saying "Ball" and I asked him if he wanted to pick out a book and he put down his toy and went over to his book basket to grab a few books! Not sure if he really knows, but that was pretty amazing :)

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