Sorry folks, this post deserves the title - as raw as it may be. We are literally in the fires over here and burning deep in Sippy Cup Hell. No lie. We are in the middle of sippy cup bootcamp to transition from the bottle. Day 1 was honestly a glorious day - I swear the entire time he drank and held his own sippy cup that day the heavens opened up and the birds started singing in perfect harmony. I thought "what in the world did I worry about?" He took it just fine for each nap and a little during meal time. He ate just fine.
Day 2 begun the fire and brimstone. He refused the sippy cup (all four of them ie all different brands) ALL day long. Yep. Not a drop of water or milk all day. Of course you know what that meant - he was fussy, sobbing, mood swings, not taking naps the whole enchilada. I was in total shock - he did so great the day before what was going on? Well he figured us out - he thought it was grand when he didn't know that was all he was gonna get from now more bottles. I think it hit him during his first nap on Day 2 that bottles were a thing of the past. He started crying big tears and then it turned into wailing. He wouldn't take a sip so I put him down for a nap. He screamed for 35 min then played for another 30. Over an hour and zero nap. So, I got him up and he was fussy and still thirsty and crying. So the rest of the day pretty much went like that - he also refused to eat his favorites that I know he has tried and liked before. To say it was a stressful day is the understatement of the year.
Day 3 is the same. he won't drink a sip or water or milk from anything. He has had zero wet diapers so I called the nurse to see if she had suggestions other than staying firm. She suggested syringing milk into his mouth (um no thanks) or letting him take a sip from a cup while I hold it. Hallelujah that worked! He drank 4 oz from a glass cup while I held it and let him take sips - whatever works right? ;) We are still suffering over sippy cups, but at least I know he has some liquid in his system!
Have no idea how long he will go on like this - I mean, the boy is stubborn and we don't know WHERE he gets it from. It's not like anyone from either side has exhibited symptoms of stubbornness. ;)
These are the kinds of pics I get now days - action shots! He won't sit still for nothing :)
silly boy!
still love those baby blues
we also have some exciting news!! Look who is not only tolerating bath time - but maybe even playing and liking it?! He splashed away and played with his toys - thank goodness we might be getting over not being a fan of water
Logan loves his little play area and loves to make messes - he also likes to watch me clean up while singing the Clean Up song...I am getting him prepared for when he has to help clean up and sing along - never too early to start :)
Love this sweet boy - hope he comes back after Sippy Cup Bootcamp is complete - I sure miss his sweet smiles and happy personality :)
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