
One Year Ago...

we said goodbye to the sweetest most precious four legged family member.

Logan was 2 weeks old and we came home from dinner to find her in our closet. I can't tell you how awful that was - so unexpected. Her life was stolen from her - she had such an amazing personality for a dog and she had many many more years left in her - but her body couldn't keep up. She had a "lemon" for a body as some small breeds do. I am still so heartbroken about her it makes me sick. But, life is ever changing and ever moving. I have grieved hard these last few days which has been good for me. I didn't get a chance to feel after her death because Logan was a newborn and we were in survival mode. Which looking back was probably a good thing I didn't have a lot of time on my hands to sit and think. We miss you every day sweet Bella - we were blessed to have you in our lives and you will be forever remembered.

We have been BUSY around here - Logan is slowly but surely gaining his independance which is bittersweet. Love that he is growing into a healthy sweet little boy but its also draining because he has a little temper and its starting to show.

He is cracking me up these days - He sat in his little chair to watch me vacuum the living room - he loved it! He laughed at the vacuum and just kicked his little legs. It was PRECIOUS! At least he likes the vacuum now, there was one point he was just terrified, so thankfully we are over that.

He looks so old with his little jean shorts - oh my word

He still loves to read which is so cute. He will pick out books all day and read them to himself or wants us to read them to him. Grammy has an animal book that they practice Roar's and Grrrr's to and he has started doing it by himself! We were at TWP the other day and he just started roaring at all the other kids - hilarious! He pretty much can do it on command too :)

still fascinated by anything that moves or has wheels

He also loves this little mailbox I got him at Rhea Lana's consignment sale - I almost didn't' get it for him but its one of his favs!

He loves exploring and opening drawers and getting into everything. Oh to note for record he also bit me the other day - he was playing and I was rolling him over me while I was laying down and he snuggled on my shoulder then I felt a bite! Ouch! But it wasn't out of anger or frustration he was biting me like he does all his toys - but oh boy I am not ready for this to start!

mealtime can be so funny!

So we are still working on the milk/sippy cup transition. Basically he is taking whole milk in his bottle but at least he doesn't seem to mind the milk. He jerks back because its so cold, but he drinks it no problem. So, next week we are then going to do whole milk in a sippy cup and get rid (crossing fingers) of the bottles. I am hoping it goes okay - after a few days hopefully it will like anything else...the beginning is always the tough part ;)

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