
13 Months!

I am a little late, but nevertheless I cannot believe that Logan is passed the 12 month mark - wow!

At 13 months he is wearing a size 4 diaper (5 at night)

He eats three full meals a day and 2 snacks before naptime. He is on sippy cup in the day and really likes water but isnt a huge fan of milk, and as of now he still takes a 7 oz bottle at night.

He can Grrr when he sees a picture of a Tiger or Lion and if you say what does a Tiger say? He will roar. He has made the monkey noise a few times when you point to the monkey.

He loves loves loves to read and be read too which is so amazing - I love our story time together every day a few times a day :)

He is trying to drop his AM nap (I am pretty sure) this past week he hasnt fallen asleep at all when I lay him down. He plays the whole time so I guess we are down to 1 nap a day.

He started MDO on thursdays and that is a huge step - I think he is really going to like it and I know Mama will :)

I just can't believe how much love I have for him and how precious he is to me - he is such a ray of sunlight in my world every single day and I am SO thankful for that!

We went to his best bud Austin's birthday and he had a blast!! It was at the Little Gym which is a super cool place and he could crawl around everywhere which he loved. We sat him right there on the mat and off he went - and didn't stop until an hour or so later!

It was funny because they had a semi organized circle time and Logan wanted nothing to do with it - he wouldn't stay in my lap so I let him crawl where he wanted which was anywhere but circle time - haha

Can you believe he is THIS BIG!!!???

There's the Birthday Boy!!

Austin is doing soo well - he has taken a few steps and standing on his own like a big boy :)

Logan did come back over when all these bouncy balls were poured onto the mats - he must have picked up 10 different ones

And bubble time!!

We had such a good time and Lauren did an amazing job decorating and planning - it was a huge success! I must note this was the first time Logan accidentally bit me and it drew blood though. I was holding him while Trey ate a bite of party food when he nuzzled into my shoulder and took a chunk out of me while trying to chew on my top. OUCH! I jerked back because it hurt like hell and it shocked me and said "No! No Bite!" He looked shocked and then buried his head into my neck. Of course everyone was looking at me but you gotta do what you gotta do :)

Mouth full of bananas!

This is what we usually do with out sippy cup. Play with it. Oh dear...

He stripped down to a diaper then practiced waving Hi while not holding onto the gate - yay!

Watching Gi Gi pull up for a playdate :)

Also we found out my dear friend Somerset is having a GIRL!!!!!! You don't know how excited I am to buy GIRL clothes and throw a GIRL shower after all these boys! I am just tickled PINK!!!!!!! (haha - sorry I just had to say it)


First Day of "School!"

Look at that precious little man!! We were on our way to his first day at Mothers Day Out or "School" as we call it :) I have been thinking about this day for a long time and its finally here which is bittersweet. Of course its so nice to get things done without worrying about a baby and toting him around all over town and to have some ME time...but it is hard to drop him off and not know if he will be okay without me - will he cry? Will they give him his water if he's thirsty? Will they know how he eats lunch and how much? How will he do at naptime and will they put him down like we do at home by singing Twinkle Little Star?? Ooooohhh all these questions can drive you insane!!! But, bottom line, he will adjust to their schedule and end up loving it hopefully :) And its okay if they do things a little differently than we do at home. Just as long as he feels safe and has fun.
And of course that is exactly how it went... I dropped him off at 9 am and set him down in the room. He was only the second child to arrive in a class of 10 kids. He immediately saw an exersaucer and went over to inspect the toys on the side of it. I put up his bag on his hook (and was giddy to see his little name posted above the hook!! This is the moment you wait for - you pick a name you love and I finally saw it posted in a classroom for all to see...its official!!) I talked about his schedule to one of his teachers and made sure she knew he needed his burp cloth lovie for naptime and to sing twinkle little star bc that signals naptime and she understood. I looked over and he was still playing by himself like a big boy while the Director was talking to him and watching him. I waved bye and said "Bye Logan". He didn't look up. Not for a second! Haha - I closed the door and left and didn't cry a single tear - I was soooo proud of myself!! I think because I prayed right before we walked in for him to be happy and have a good day and I felt a sense of calm rush over me that he would be alright - and I would too. :) I am glad he is so different from the way I was when I was little. I was painfully shy and observant but he just dives right into the action and will go up to almost anyone which is so good - I am thankful for that for now. Of course we will have to have the "Stranger Danger" talk at some point ;)
I felt really good about leaving him - they are sooo very nice and I trust the teachers plus he was like "Peace Out Yo" as soon as we got there so that made me feel confident. And the Director just emailed me and said "Logan is doing Great! He is such a happy baby!" Ahhhhh music to a mamas ears :)

Eating breakfast this morning before we left - he slept in until 8 am but I finally had to wake him up so we wouldnt be late.
yummy waffles, bananas, and oatmeal!

Last night I took some pics because I feel like he is growing at an insane pace and need to document more - but we are sooo busy it has been hard. Let see, he took FOUR steps yesterday!!!! He has taken one or two here and there but this was 4 big steps and he didn't even know he did it! I was at my moms and we both saw him - hooray! He is standing so well on his own and walking good holding one of our hands.

He often sings or as of two days ago, screams in delight, when he is happy playing :)

Standing up!

Look how BIG he is!!!

torturing the poor chihuahua

Isn't this the cutest? They love each other :)

He will pull all the chairs and high chair around like push toys - he loves it but it makes for a very noisy kitchen :)
He passed his infant swimming lessons!!! I consider them super successful because he went from hating bathtime to loving it!! Hooray for Aunt Lauren!! She did an amazing job teaching our babies and his last day he just splashed and laughed in the water the whole time.

Update: just picked him up from MDO and he did great most of the day - he was happy and played well with others. He ate pureed food but wasn't big on his cheese toast which was strange - he usually loves it. But he was in a weird place so that was probably why. Naptime was a total fail. He cried for 30 min then they wrapped him in a blanket and rocked him which definitely didn't work because we don't own a rocking chair so he has never been rocked to sleep. And he isn't so big on being wrapped in blankets so I think he was very confused why that was going on. He always goes to sleep on his own but they didn't know what to do bc other babies were trying to sleep so they had to pull out all their tricks which I don't blame them :) He fell asleep for 10 minutes when another child woke up screaming and woke all the other babies up. Bless their hearts. Well, we just got home and he is down for a nap - he fell right asleep. When I walked in the room he was in an exersaucer and I called his name. He looked at me and immediately started smiling and laughing. It was so funny - like a laugh I had never heard kinda like "oh you didn't forget about me! Where have you been?" It was precious - we hugged and he grrrr'd like a tiger and started talking about his day - haha it was adorable :) I was SO glad to see him!!