Logan got sick for the first time the day after he turned 8 months old. We are SO blessed he has remained illness free for all this time! We did go to playgroup 2 times last week which is where he probably picked up the germs. I also want to note for my records that I stopped pumping 2 weeks ago and he is only receiving formula and no more breast milk. I have mixed emotions about it to be honest. I am soooo relieved to be "free" from pumping, all the cleaning of the parts, making sure I pumped on the dot after so many hours, waking up in the middle of the night pumping, and really it feels nice to not be a milk factory anymore and to have my body back :) My goal was to make it 6 months and I made it 7 1/2 with only breast milk! I feel wonderful about that so its bittersweet. I do feel a little guilty sometimes that I didn't pump longer, especially because formula is a MAJOR expense versus free milk! Geesh - that is a stab in the wallet every week! But, when I got sick with the stomach bug I was so dehydrated that I didn't produce enough milk and my supply depleted almost completely those two days. Once I got enough liquid back in me it came up but just a little. It would have taken days of going back to pumping every few hours again just like when he was 0-3 months. I just didn't have it in me, plus he is more active now and there is no telling if I could have been able to do that with taking care of him all day. Anyway, sorry for the saga I just want to remember all these things for his baby book :)
He woke up Monday morning stuffy as ever, snot in his hair and on the crib sheet. His little eyes were goopy and he was sneezing and couldn't breathe very well. He had a temp of 100.1 and his doctors office considers anything 102 a fever. I called and talked to the nurse and she wanted him to come in to be checked because of the goopy eyes. She thought it could be an ear infection or sinus infection. We got there at 1 pm and his temp by then was right at 102. They checked him out and the doc on call said his nose/mouth/ears looked clear - no redness, etc. He just had the "fever virus" that is going around. He said to treat it with Tylenol to keep the fever down and make sure he gets plenty of milk. So that is what we have been doing. He is still playing - just more low key and you can tell he doesn't feel good.
Poor little guy!
But honestly, the fever didn't last long - only a day then it was gone. He is clearing up, and mainly is really snotty just in the AM. We put the humidifier back in his room and that has worked wonders!!
Not interested in mealtime in the least. The Doc said thats normal when they get sick.
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