He looks way too big. STOP GROWING!!! It is giving me anxiety that in a few short months he will be... gasp... ONE. Ohhhh myyyyy.
playing hard at Grammys
this turtle is huge and he still manages to get it into his mouth. Takes some good arm muscles :)
We went on our first walk in his stroller today (sans baby carseat) and I think he liked it!
Checking everything out - don't you love this face... he was NOT having me taking his picture. He was ready to get on with the walk
No smiles for mama
my little man!
Please. Don't. Smile. ;)
Another first this week is he finally is interested in grabbing toys from his baskets. He reached for the basket and started trying to pull a book out.
I don't know why, but this melts my heart. Him learning that he can pull something out of the basket and him being big enough to do so. Ahhhhh my heart is full.
this happens to be one of his favorites to look at with all the bright colors. Miss Spiders Tea Party
He also is loving looking at his squishy photo album these days. He really looks at the family pics of his grandparents, and parents, and himself. He even leaned over a few times the other day and slobbered on the baby pic of himself (I think he was kissing it)!
I wanted to note that yesterday was the first day he has really gotten upset when I left the room. He has noticed me leaving for a while now -and he will even make noise to see if I will come back. But today I was carrying stuff to the car and he was playing on the floor near the front door. The second time he saw me walk outside and walk away I could hear him crying. I walked back and told him it would be okay and I would be right back. I hurried to put the things in my car then made it back to the house. He was still upset and as soon as I walked inside he stuck his arms out for me to pick him up. Definite 8 month behavior. :)
Soph with her spider toy. She was in TROUBLE yesterday. Peed on my carpet and pooped 3 times on the floor next to her pee pads. UGH. She was mad because I closed the door while I changed his diaper and she couldn't be in there. Crazy Chihuahua.
sometimes she can be so sweet. and then other times..........
Trey and I are way excited because tonight is DATE NIGHT!!!! Grammy offered to keep Logan overnight while we go to Colonial for the first time in months (honestly I think the last time we went was before he was born!) We are ready for a yummy steak and together time. We are also gonna get some things around the house done while he is gone which will be nice - projects that we need to do that are difficult with a baby in the house. Hooray for being productive! We are also going to look at buying a new carseat for the next stage (up to 70 lbs) since Logan only has a couple of pounds left on his infant seat. *SIGH* Don't ask me how I feel about the fact that he is already to the next stage of carseats............................
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