
Mean Ole Toothies: Part Two

Ah yes. The mean ole toothies are BACK in action. I think L's top front teeth are trying to pop through - he has been crying, fussing, chewing, drooling, etc etc etc for the past few days. I know he is in some pain - ugh I hate teeth. Never thought they would be the bain of my existence! Who knew? In some positive news - Logan and Sophie are just two peas in a pod.

Well, okay, he actually wants them to be two peas in a pod...

she, on the other, hand isn't so sure.

she wants to lick him then that is about it. Now that he is active he is trying to touch and grab her.

Just like this...

Um yeah. Soph isn't too fond of this and she usually just tries to jump back and sometimes tries to lick him (or nicely nip) and that is about the end of their playtime. I have to close the door and she cries in the hallway. Poor thing.
Logan trying Mum Mums for the first time - his first solid food! He loves them - of course they taste like nothing and dissolve in your mouth. But - he is a fan :)

Trying to play peek-a-boo! His favorite game :)

Sitting so well - and looking JUST like daddy!

See - like I said. Mean ole toothies

sorry - it turned sideways and I can't get it back to normal

laughing at mommy

soooo gansta

Logan quite proud of himself, he knocked down the playmat bars - he kicked them so hard they collapsed. Whoa kid, whoa.

We went to The Wonder Place on Sunday to Logan's first birthday party! It was Bennett's first birthday and we went to play and celebrate. It was just precious and everyone had a blast. Logan played so well in the 2 and under area.

Of course we had to pull out his all time favorite toy. Take along tunes!

It was funny, he didn't understand that there were toys in this box. He just kept moving the basket and wouldn't reach inside to grab a toy. Once he realizes, he will be all in it :)

look at that sweet belly hanging out

Logan has been perching himself up during his nighttime baby Einstein video. It is hilarious - he leans on his elbows - looks completely uncomfortable but apparently he likes it - silly boy

I made Tres leches Cake for Trey's birthday - it is one of his favorite cakes and I decided attempt it and it turned out pretty good. It was an Alton Brown recipe - yum yum!

We had a fantastic weekend - Logan spent the night with Grammy and Grandad on Saturday and we got to sleep!!! Not that Logan doesn't sleep, he is a very good little sleeper - its just so different. I didn't have to turn the monitor on -didn't have to worry about listening for him to wake up. I know I slept good because when I woke up to go to the bathroom - I was in that foggy haze of a sleep, where you can barely pull yourself out of bed and drag yourself to the bathroom. I haven't been in that deep of a sleep since before he was born! Man it felt GOOD :)

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