
To Crawl or Not to Crawl...

That IS the question! This is one of the first times I have seen Logan get on all fours and act like he was about to make the big step to crawling!! He just rocked back and forth for a while then finally gave up and went to his tummy. But wow - who knows? Maybe next week I will be posting the FIRST CRAWL photos and video!!! (or it could be another month) And I am okay with that - I rather like him being "non mobile" cause that means mama just plops him in one position and he stays there :) Crawling means I start my new exercise routine! Logan is obsessed with baskets/containers - we dumped out all his books and he was just fascinated with turning the basket over and over.

Which leads me to my next photo - Logan meeting Rubbermaid for the first time. Instant LOVE.

And why did I buy all those expensive toys??? This kept him occupied for at least 25 minutes!

chewing on Mr. Dino

haha - had to get this on camera. This is his face when he watches me eat. I usually end up making my lunch (most of the time a fancy ole lean cuisine) and eat it while we play. Lately he has been staring me down the entire time I eat. Looks fascinated huh? Or starving? ;)

Ah the many faces of Logan...

I love them ALL!

Drooly McDroolison

He is staring at Sophie like "what on earth are you doing?"

Bright happy baby!

very happy baby - we catch a glimpse in the midst of the sickies

Logan is still sick. Ick. We are covered in snot. drool. more snot. tissues. saline drops. boogie wipes. nasal sucker-thing-a-ma-gig. And now he has a cough and congestion. Poor baby. It hasn't effected his sleep YET. He still sleeps through the night - but I do hear him coughing almost every couple of hours. I called his doc office and they said to bring him back in so they can make sure he doesn't need antibiotics. Hopefully he will be on the mend soon!

Here we are before our FABULOUS date! We had the best time at our favorite steakhouse and enjoyed taking our time then slowly making it back to LR and the house. We watched some dvr'ed shows then crashed and slept like we did BC (before child) Pure heaven.

We woke up refreshed and ready to see our sweet stinker face!



Grammy got Logan his first Big Boy chair and we tried it out at her house the other night - as you can see he LOVES it!! Getting excited about Baby Einstein too :)

He looks way too big. STOP GROWING!!! It is giving me anxiety that in a few short months he will be... gasp... ONE. Ohhhh myyyyy.

playing hard at Grammys

this turtle is huge and he still manages to get it into his mouth. Takes some good arm muscles :)

We went on our first walk in his stroller today (sans baby carseat) and I think he liked it!

Checking everything out - don't you love this face... he was NOT having me taking his picture. He was ready to get on with the walk

No smiles for mama
my little man!

Please. Don't. Smile. ;)

Another first this week is he finally is interested in grabbing toys from his baskets. He reached for the basket and started trying to pull a book out.

I don't know why, but this melts my heart. Him learning that he can pull something out of the basket and him being big enough to do so. Ahhhhh my heart is full.

this happens to be one of his favorites to look at with all the bright colors. Miss Spiders Tea Party

He also is loving looking at his squishy photo album these days. He really looks at the family pics of his grandparents, and parents, and himself. He even leaned over a few times the other day and slobbered on the baby pic of himself (I think he was kissing it)!

I wanted to note that yesterday was the first day he has really gotten upset when I left the room. He has noticed me leaving for a while now -and he will even make noise to see if I will come back. But today I was carrying stuff to the car and he was playing on the floor near the front door. The second time he saw me walk outside and walk away I could hear him crying. I walked back and told him it would be okay and I would be right back. I hurried to put the things in my car then made it back to the house. He was still upset and as soon as I walked inside he stuck his arms out for me to pick him up. Definite 8 month behavior. :)

Soph with her spider toy. She was in TROUBLE yesterday. Peed on my carpet and pooped 3 times on the floor next to her pee pads. UGH. She was mad because I closed the door while I changed his diaper and she couldn't be in there. Crazy Chihuahua.

sometimes she can be so sweet. and then other times..........

Trey and I are way excited because tonight is DATE NIGHT!!!! Grammy offered to keep Logan overnight while we go to Colonial for the first time in months (honestly I think the last time we went was before he was born!) We are ready for a yummy steak and together time. We are also gonna get some things around the house done while he is gone which will be nice - projects that we need to do that are difficult with a baby in the house. Hooray for being productive! We are also going to look at buying a new carseat for the next stage (up to 70 lbs) since Logan only has a couple of pounds left on his infant seat. *SIGH* Don't ask me how I feel about the fact that he is already to the next stage of carseats............................



The Fever Virus hit our house on Monday morning.

Logan got sick for the first time the day after he turned 8 months old. We are SO blessed he has remained illness free for all this time! We did go to playgroup 2 times last week which is where he probably picked up the germs. I also want to note for my records that I stopped pumping 2 weeks ago and he is only receiving formula and no more breast milk. I have mixed emotions about it to be honest. I am soooo relieved to be "free" from pumping, all the cleaning of the parts, making sure I pumped on the dot after so many hours, waking up in the middle of the night pumping, and really it feels nice to not be a milk factory anymore and to have my body back :) My goal was to make it 6 months and I made it 7 1/2 with only breast milk! I feel wonderful about that so its bittersweet. I do feel a little guilty sometimes that I didn't pump longer, especially because formula is a MAJOR expense versus free milk! Geesh - that is a stab in the wallet every week! But, when I got sick with the stomach bug I was so dehydrated that I didn't produce enough milk and my supply depleted almost completely those two days. Once I got enough liquid back in me it came up but just a little. It would have taken days of going back to pumping every few hours again just like when he was 0-3 months. I just didn't have it in me, plus he is more active now and there is no telling if I could have been able to do that with taking care of him all day. Anyway, sorry for the saga I just want to remember all these things for his baby book :)

He woke up Monday morning stuffy as ever, snot in his hair and on the crib sheet. His little eyes were goopy and he was sneezing and couldn't breathe very well. He had a temp of 100.1 and his doctors office considers anything 102 a fever. I called and talked to the nurse and she wanted him to come in to be checked because of the goopy eyes. She thought it could be an ear infection or sinus infection. We got there at 1 pm and his temp by then was right at 102. They checked him out and the doc on call said his nose/mouth/ears looked clear - no redness, etc. He just had the "fever virus" that is going around. He said to treat it with Tylenol to keep the fever down and make sure he gets plenty of milk. So that is what we have been doing. He is still playing - just more low key and you can tell he doesn't feel good.

Poor little guy!

But honestly, the fever didn't last long - only a day then it was gone. He is clearing up, and mainly is really snotty just in the AM. We put the humidifier back in his room and that has worked wonders!!

Not interested in mealtime in the least. The Doc said thats normal when they get sick.

So - we survived our first of many sickies to come! Once again, just so thankful that it took this long for it to happen.

Feeling better this morning!

but still a little snotty :)

snotty and drooly - what a lovely combo right?

He was up at 2 am and 6am last night for full 6 oz bottles! He must be thirsty and or hungry bc he hasn't been eating food. He went back down both times like a champ and slept in until almost 9 am. Hopefully he will continue to feel better!


Hodge Podge and 8 months!

Happy 8 months to my baby boy!!

Say Whuuuut?

Yep - that's right! I say it every month. But I cannot believe it - how fast time is racing by!
haha - if this pic below isn't the smirkiest look I've ever seen.... don't know WHERE he gets that from! ;)

happy baby

And.... he's bored.

This blog post is total hodge podge from what we've been doing this weekend. He is still liking the jack n the box toy...

Its a bird! No, Its a plane! NOOO Its SUPERMAN!!!

Logan has learned how to sit up in his bouncy seat. He pretty much is over and done with the bouncy seat. We are trying to find him a big boy chair to grow into. My mom just got one at landofnod.com and its super cute!! That will last him until 7 yrs of age or so.

and in the midst of baby einstien he does this...

Doesn't he look SO big???

still loving bathtime...

sweet face!

Logan helped me fold his burp cloths - big helper ;)

And his newest toy... Mr. Hamper. Mmmmm tasty

He discovered it and latched on immediately.

He moved the hamper around and then would lick it. hilarious!

happiest of the lucky charms

I love this photo. Logan is saying "Wanna Trade?" I think he wants her froggie

Hello Mr. Giraffe. How do you do?

he is already giving me the "Gawd Mom" look. Oh dear.

Look at these two. Peas in a Pod.

Just precious.

They love looking outside :)

Trey and I had a super good date night on Saturday thanks to Gi Gi for watching Logan! We went to Benihanas and enjoyed a long yummy dinner then headed to Bravo for drinks and dessert. It was a much needed night out and we were able to catch up, laugh, and enjoy each other as hubby and wife - not mommy and daddy. Thanks Vivian!!
We have a low key week ahead. I am still in the process of organizing the house (would you believe its STILL not finished!) Gasp...what on earth do I do all day?? I'll let you use your imagination :)
When I look back at this blog and the early years, just so I remember how crazy it is to be a new mom - I want to record some funnies that happen on a weekly basis. Drove around the gas station for 2 minutes desperately trying to remember which side the gas tank was on while trying to not look like a TOTAL moron. go around all day (and sometimes the next day too) with spilt milk/cereal on sweats, drool, baby food, and God knows what else. Throw Soph's toys into Logan's basket and vice versa. Sterilized a rubber/metal stem baby spoon in the microwave which completely melted said baby spoon (not to mention almost burned down my house!) I am sure there are many many more "funnies" that happen but since part of my brain is gone these days I typically forget most of them ;)
Happy Week Everyone!