I barely find the time to post about our little life let alone what I am thinking and feeling about this precious time in Logan's life. I want to remember what I thought during the hard times when he is older and of course when he is in his Tween years - heaven forbid! And for good record keeping :)
We ventured out on a quick brisk walk around the park the day it snowed - I bundled him up and we just HAD to get out of the house before cabin fever took us over. He LOVED it - and I got a few good shots of the beautiful scenery.
I am beyond blessed I get to stay home with this little prince every day. I realize not many moms get to do that so I try to be very aware what a gift this is for me to spend this time with him. I am so thankful for Pajama days where we never leave the house and play in our Jammies ALL day long! I love that we can have nothing on the agenda but pick up and run to the park if we want, to the Zoo in nice weather, or The Wonder Place as soon as they open to beat the crowd if we feel like it. We are on OUR time and it feels so wonderful. I love watching him grow and learn daily - and of course also get to endure the tantrums and unhappiness that overcomes him on a daily basis. But I get to also be there when he gets over it and comes to give me a big hug. These are the moments - the precious precious memories we are building. I try to focus on that when I feel like my chores are out of control and when the cleaning seems overwhelming. When he hands me a book to read 9 times out of 10 I will put down the duster and sit down with him to read a few books.
I know Trey works so very hard to provide for our little family and there are not enough words to ever explain how grateful I will always be for being able to hang out with Logan every day. I know it isn't guaranteed forever - so I try to appreciate each and every day. :)
We played at the park for a little while - he mainly ran circles around and around testing our the surfaces mixing between the pavement and turf.
Isn't he the cutest??
He found this stick and held onto it the entire time - he was furious when I took it away before he got into his car seat :(
On the move!
We got home to have a little snack...
These were taken in the past few days - this was one of our Jammie days!
The boy still loves his books and animal sounds. He has perfected a Horse, Owl, and Hyena
This is the sweet face he makes when we read
Whiny face...
He pushes his toy over to the chair and watch what happens...
He loves the blind cord - so I am tucking it up and away so he cant reach it!
We did a toy swap for a month or two and he is trying to figure out how to make his car go down the track
He can also say "car" if you repeat it several times
Breakfast waffles!
YUMMY - he always loves breakfast bananas and waffles - he can say Na Na now
stinker - trying to close the door on me ;)
We have been to a few playdates and hosted one on Friday which was a little insane - lots of mamas and babies! I think it scared Logan he stayed in his room most of the time...I am starting to see parts of his personality - I think he does better with just a few kiddos :) Lesson learned!
He really hasn't touched the Christmas tree - he doesn't mess with any decorations - only my standard candle he always tries to steal - but its been pretty pleasant! One thing he is doing constantly is asking for every single light/lamp to be turned on in every room all day! So, he will go up to every lamp and loudly say "wa wa!" until you turn it on. If you turn them off he goes back and says it again over and over. He usually won't enter a room if the lights are off until you come and turn them on - he will stand in the door way - haha
He had a major meltdown at the Park today - we went for just 20 minutes and he freaked out when we left...crying so hard and arching his back to get out of his car seat. Lord the family that was there was probably traumatized - ha!
He is definitely a sensitive little boy - so sweet. He gets his feelings hurt easily and when he doesn't get his way he lets you know. This toddler is growing before my eyes and I can't believe it! Christmas is here next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
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