Christmas day was fabulous - we hosted it at our house but we did a Potluck so my parents and Vivian all cooked a couple of things, as did we, and everyone came over for dinner - and to watch Logan open his gifts!
So the first gift was this cute ball from TWP and he loved it! So much so that he was uninterested in staying to open any other gifts - ha!
So we played with the ball for a little while :)
Mama's so silly!
He got another neat ball from Gi Gi and a cute little book from Aunt Barbara and Uncle Tom!
The puzzles were from Grammy and Grandad
Along with his microwave!!
Santa got him a large animal set so he can play with them when he reads his animal books and make the noises and to imaginative play when he is older
Kisses from daddy
He loved his Pillow Pet Monkey!
He also got some great books from his cousins Aren, Eva, and Ryan! Thanks guys!!
Grammy and Grandad making animal noises
This is what usually happens when we try to take a family photo. Epic Fail. :)
Logan and his Gi Gi!
And he is DONE :)
This was the big ticket item! His new ball tent!!!! Daddy worked HARD to blow this up for him!
He loved it - played in there a while and lots today
My sweet toddler and his many many faces
Talking to himself in the mirror
He did great at Christmas Dinner - we had a yummy spread that he wouldn't dare touch - but thats okay...more for ME!!! He ate some of the dinner roll and his usual PB toast and cheese and crackers/puree. I made him try Seafoam salad which he didn't seem too excited about. :)
I say it all the time, but it never gets very blessed are we?? We look forward to 2012 and health, happiness, and wonderful family and friends!!! Cheers!
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