
New Years Eve 2011

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL New Years Eve!!!! We are staying in - oh so boring I know :) But we did enjoy a little NYE lunch Sushi with our favorite little man :)

I haven't talked much about my Thirty-One Business on my blog, but its still up and going! I am really trying to focus on 2012 and bring in a few recruits under me and also tons more parties!!! We are having an amazing outlet sale and my box of goodies just arrived - I was So So excited!

I mean, honestly...can you see the cuteness oozing off that photo!?! I love this Boho pattern that will never see the light of day again - the Outlet brings the retired products to surface for everyone to purchase at a steep 50% or more discount! So I picked up a few things I needed to show at home parties and a few that I just wanted and HAD to have! :)

Here is the Flat Iron Case - super cute and thermal lined, and the soft wallet.

If you or anyone you know loves a good deal and needs to pick up a few items for yourself or some gifts through the year please visit http://www.thirtyoneoutlet.com/?cid=96464
Everything ships fast - within a couple of days and get these fabulous deals before they are GONE FOREVER!! :)

See you in 2012 - its going to be a FANTASTIC year!!!!!!


Merry Merry 2011

Happy Happy Christmas!!! We had a lovely holiday - very low key with dear family. Perfecto! First, one of my oldest and bestest friends Katherine was in town from NYC and I loved getting to see her a couple of times - miss her soo much! Here we are with sweet L.

Christmas day was fabulous - we hosted it at our house but we did a Potluck so my parents and Vivian all cooked a couple of things, as did we, and everyone came over for dinner - and to watch Logan open his gifts!

So the first gift was this cute ball from TWP and he loved it! So much so that he was uninterested in staying to open any other gifts - ha!

So we played with the ball for a little while :)

Mama's so silly!

He got another neat ball from Gi Gi and a cute little book from Aunt Barbara and Uncle Tom!

The puzzles were from Grammy and Grandad

Along with his microwave!!

Santa got him a large animal set so he can play with them when he reads his animal books and make the noises and to imaginative play when he is older

Kisses from daddy

He loved his Pillow Pet Monkey!

He also got some great books from his cousins Aren, Eva, and Ryan! Thanks guys!!

Grammy and Grandad making animal noises

This is what usually happens when we try to take a family photo. Epic Fail. :)

Logan and his Gi Gi!

And he is DONE :)

This was the big ticket item! His new ball tent!!!! Daddy worked HARD to blow this up for him!

He loved it - played in there a while and lots today

My sweet toddler and his many many faces



Talking to himself in the mirror

He did great at Christmas Dinner - we had a yummy spread that he wouldn't dare touch - but thats okay...more for ME!!! He ate some of the dinner roll and his usual PB toast and cheese and crackers/puree. I made him try Seafoam salad which he didn't seem too excited about. :)

I say it all the time, but it never gets old...how very blessed are we?? We look forward to 2012 and health, happiness, and wonderful family and friends!!! Cheers!


Christmas Eve and 17 months!

Yep. Like I said...full on Toddler Behavior happening at The Gould household! Haha - he cracks me up. Clenched fists, shaking them while stomping his feet and scrunching his little sweet face. Fun times folks, fun times. But even in a fit he looks adorable, right? :)

lets just say he was NOT in a mood to have pics taken - its harder and harder to come by these days. He is on the move all the time so any sitting still just usually doesn't happen :)

Fake cheesin'

And don't worry - he didn't wear this mismatched outfit all day :)

One little smile!

Practicing his dancing skillz

At 17 months Logan is...

1. wearing size 5 diapers

2. still a super picky eater - eats bananas and waffles for bfast, toast, cheese cubes, and puree for lunch, snacks are cheese and yogrut or puffs, and dinner is PB toast, more banana, and puree. Yogrut melts and crackers in between - he LOVES crackers!!! I always put an array of other foods on his tray like corn, greens, pears, peaches, etc but he never tries them. On a side note - the other day I got ChickFilA for lunch a kiddie meal and he was eating lunch too so he asked for a cracker as I spread some chicken and french fry on his tray just seeing if he would try it. I said "yes cracker" and he gobbled up the chicken and fry!!!!!! Maybe thinking it was a cracker??? I couldn't believe it!!! He hasn't touched anything since but hey its a start :)

3. He sleeps GREAT at night! 7 pm - 7-8 am the next morning without waking up at all. Naps are hit or miss. He goes down around 12:30-1 pm and sleeps anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the day. He loves his burp cloth so we always let him have that while in his crib

4. He is learning new sounds/words all the time it seems! If you ask him about certain animals from his books he will be able to tell you what sound they make. He can say Grrrr like a Lion or Tiger, Moo for Cow, Monkey noise, Woof Woof for Dog, Hoo Hoo for Owl, Neeeigh for Horse, laughs like a Hyena, Grrs like a bear, caw caws for a Bird. He can say Dog, Ball, Mama, Dada, Truck, Car, Wa Wa for water and light, Ga Ga for waffle and other things, etc
He JUST started clapping!!!

He is on the Go Go Go! But he is a sweet cautious child. He definitely also goes against the grain in social settings sometimes - if everyone is in a circle singing or doing something in a group he is the one who fights me to get away and run around :)

He is pretty sturdy on his feet - he is kind of running now too...in the house at least. And he does get upset. Like we went to the wrong gym for a free play bc the address was wrong on the website and he freaked out when we left and he knew he didnt get to play. Of course at this age you can't explain we were going right down the road and he would get to play - all he knew is that we were getting right back in the carseat. I almost dropped him trying to make it out to the car and he had to have his meltdown while I closed the backseat car door and he screamed and cried and thrashed around on the seat next to me for 3-5 minutes. when he calmed down I put him in the car seat and he just sobbed like his little heart was broken :( My sensitive boy

His FIRST art project! Thanks to Lauren - she has great creative ideas from her teacher days and invited us over for handprint trees :) He did NOT like panting his hand to make the tree but we survived and so glad we did it~!

Sweet stinker :)


I can't believe its Christmas Eve - oh my goodness where did the year go??? I am thankful and blessed to have health, happiness, and my dear family and friends - and of course this precious precious gift from God. Motherhood is what I always dreamed it would be - an amazing journey that I get to share with this beautiful boy. Feeling very blessed this Christmas!

Merry Christmas Bloggy World!!!