
Happy Turkey Day!

Logan has had a BIG first Thanksgiving - filled with family who love him and think he is the most adorable little man.

Don't you agree?

Logan sitting in his bumbo chair at my mom's waiting on everyone to serve their plates. Don't let him fool you. He didn't let everyone eat at the same time - ohh no. Grammy and Grandad took turns and then mommy and Gi Gi helped too. He wanted in on the food action even if he couldn't partake this year. Center of attention anyone? :)

Grandad and Logan

YUMMY FOOD - mmmmmmmmm makes me hungry all over again!

Logan with Aunt Irene and Uncle Luke - he was pretty fussy so we had to distract him quickly. I think Logan wanted to let Baby Boy Adams know he wants to play. He doesn't understand Baby Adams has to cook a few months longer :)

Grammy and Gi Gi - Logan is one lucky boy!

Logan and his Gi Gi

Our little family (poor Logan was so beyond tired this is the best pic we could get) You gotta do what you gotta do :)

We had a wonderful Turkey day with our sweet family. We are so thankful for them and for all our dear friends - we wouldn't be where we are without them. And of course we are so very thankful for Logan. That precious little face melts out hearts every day.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

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