Watching him on the video monitor - best invention EVER. I would have paid big bucks to be able to see my baby sleeping and make sure he is okay - I know people did it without video monitors before, but I don't know how! :)
So... Day 3 went beautifully! I put him in the crib around 7:30 pm and he cried for a minute after I sang to him and walked away but he grabbed his lovie and started talking to it. He finally fell asleep and didn't wake up AT ALL until 8:30 am!!! HOORAY!!! I heard him stirring a few times through the night, but not enough to really wake me up. He had some major gas this morning starting at 6:30 am but it didn't wake him up - he would just hike his legs in the air - let out some gas and pass back out. Too funny!
It's almost CHRISTMAS time - the MOST wonderful time of the year!!!!
Look how big he is getting! - He wants to help hold his bottle - though his grip makes it hard to actually feed him. But I let him help because its so darn cute and he is learning. Sweet boy :)
I am putting him in his Christmas outfits as much as I can since he will only wear them this month and once in his life - its surreal that next year he will be toddling around!
Watching his favorite - baby Einstein - Santa Baby!
Look at that cute patootie!
Sophie - she pulls out her toys when he goes to bed thinking its her playtime then. The problem? They are squeaky toys! So I had to put up all the ones that still squeak and give her the old toys that she already busted the squeaker out :)
Sophie - she pulls out her toys when he goes to bed thinking its her playtime then. The problem? They are squeaky toys! So I had to put up all the ones that still squeak and give her the old toys that she already busted the squeaker out :)