

It's HERE!!! Twilight on DVD just came out this past weekend and of course I rushed straight out to buy a copy! I went to Kroger first (had to get groceries too - and yes I am still waiting on my re-usable bags to come in the mail) but they were sold out - completely!

So, I had to also go to Walmart and I almost ran to the back of the store in search for my beloved DVD. Luckily, there was ONE copy left and I nearly dove into the rack and snatched it up. As I turned around go and get the rest of my items, I noticed a group of excited Tweens approaching the empty stand where Twilight had been. Yes, I got the dirty looks from them - but I proudly dropped that DVD in my cart and never looked back! ;)

As soon as I got home I popped in the DVD and started my love affair with Edward and Bella. That was a perfect ending to a great weekend - and I might just watch it again tonight!

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