

Lovely, just lovely. Trey and I get home to this MESS tonight after we celebrated Vivian's birthday at Colonial. Unbelievable. Sophie has been so good the past couple of weeks - not tearing up anything when we leave for work and then, we come home to discover this chaos. Well, in her defense (honestly, does she even have one anymore???) Trey came home for lunch at 12:00 pm, and then we did not get home from dinner until 9:00 pm which is WAY longer than our normal 5:00 pm work schedule. I give her that - but seriously!?

That's it - we are looking into Chenal Pet Palace to do doggie day care and training. It will give her a place to burn off energy - while socializing with other doggies and humans. Sounds perfect to me!

Isn't this princess room adorable?? Their website is www.chenalpetpalace.com and I will let you know how it goes when I talk to the owners to see what they offer. Fingers Crossed!!



It's HERE!!! Twilight on DVD just came out this past weekend and of course I rushed straight out to buy a copy! I went to Kroger first (had to get groceries too - and yes I am still waiting on my re-usable bags to come in the mail) but they were sold out - completely!

So, I had to also go to Walmart and I almost ran to the back of the store in search for my beloved DVD. Luckily, there was ONE copy left and I nearly dove into the rack and snatched it up. As I turned around go and get the rest of my items, I noticed a group of excited Tweens approaching the empty stand where Twilight had been. Yes, I got the dirty looks from them - but I proudly dropped that DVD in my cart and never looked back! ;)

As soon as I got home I popped in the DVD and started my love affair with Edward and Bella. That was a perfect ending to a great weekend - and I might just watch it again tonight!


Weekend Wrap-Up!

We had a busy weekend filled with good friends and yummy food! Somerset came into town on Saturday and she and I met up with Lauren for a late lunch at Ya Ya's Euro Bistro (Delicious by the way!!) Then, we went shopping at Bed Bath and Beyond for a wedding present for Jess and Dan's Couple's Shower last night.

Jess and Dan live in Dallas - but she is from LR and her family/friends threw her and Dan a shower. It was a lot of fun and filled with yummy food, drinks, and laughs.
Happy Couple - Getting married May 16th!

Just us girls - Jess, Hannah, Me, and Somerset

Trey and I at the shower

Then, for brunch today, we met Lauren and John, and Hannah and Sam at Copeland's which is super tasty!

They have a special Cheesecake that has cheesecake in the middle, and two layers of cake on either side - which is amazing - and we got blueberry topping with white chocolate drizzle - absolutely SINFUL! (Don't worry, we shared) ;)

We had a fabulous weekend and are catching up on our household chores today. I luckily have Monday off work and that will start my week off perfectly!


On The 'Going Green' Bandwagon...

It has finally happened - We are jumping on the "Go Green" bandwagon for the Environment and it starts with Chicobags for groceries! Well, let me be honest, this isn't the first step towards helping the environment... Trey and I do recycle and have changed out our light bulbs to conserve energy. However, we went to our Kroger store this past weekend and discovered a new trend - re-usable grocery bags! I have seen a few people (mostly at Fresh Market) use the fabric bags for groceries so that plastic is no longer used. I haven't thought too much about buying any quite yet, but after what we witnessed this past weekend - I have placed my order via the Internet!
We were leisurely shopping on Saturday evening and we got into the only line that was open, which of course meant there were 3 people in front of us and pretty soon 4 people behind us. We started to notice the 3 individuals in front of us had their re-usable bags and they were handing them to the gentleman bagging groceries. (One lady had super cute bags with fun prints plastered all over. Very Chic - and expensive!) I would safely say at least 40-50 plastic bags were unused from those three people checking out in front of us. Wow!

So, the 4 people behind us started to realize that we did not have pretty fabric bags with us. We were the odd couple out! I started to feel embarrassed and then bad because we were the only ones that were not being mindful of the environment and everyone was staring at us while the young man pulled out the plastic to bag our groceries. Talk about strange - what a weird feeling...I felt like their eyes were burning into the back of our heads (probably just a little paranoid)
So, moral of the story? I have been on a search for re-usable bags and I have found plenty of not-so-cute ones and an array of gorgeous ones (unfortunately, much too expensive for my budget). I finally settled on Chicobags. They come in their own pouch for easy transporting and hold about 20 pounds each. Here is their detailed description:

*Easily fits in your pocket, purse or glove box
*Made of strong and washable nylon
*Folds into an integrated pouch
*Hook it onto your key chain, belt loop or backpack
*Designed in California, made responsibly in China

They are very reasonably priced and colorful which was one of my criteria (They have PINK!) So, next time we go to Kroger - Watch Out - we will no longer be the "slowly-killing-the-environment-one-plastic-bag-at-a-time-couple...Oh no, we will hold our heads high, and proudly offer our colorful ChicoBag's to the person bagging groceries and know we are doing our little part. :)


Birthdays, Booze, and Balloons - Perfect Combination!

We went to Fayetteville last night for a quick trip to see Irene and Luke. Irene's birthday is the same day as Trey's (March 4th) and Luke called this week to see if we could come up to be there for her surprise birthday party on Friday night. We said of course! So, we left Friday (took off work...whoo hoo!) and made it for an early dinner at TGI Fridays and then to see Watchmen the movie. Irene knew we were going to the movie, but she didn't know about the party waiting at their house afterwards :)

Here we are at TGI Fridays

They were having a discount on Long Island Iced Teas so Luke and Trey got a couple. However, the second round, they brought Trey a huge margarita glass which was hilarious and very girly!

They have this Birthday Club at the restaurant, and Irene and Trey spun the wheel to win a discount on the next meal purchase from TGI Fridays. It was in the middle of where people were eating which was pretty funny!

When we got home from the movie, Irene walked into her living room to see streamers and decorations with everyone waiting in the kitchen. Very sweet!

We had a great time with them and were sorry we couldn't stay the whole weekend. But when you have little ones at home (little furry ones that is) spontaneous trips must be carefully planned out. ;) We love The Adams dearly and we will be back to see them soon!



Today is Trey's 27th Birthday!!! He had a great birthday, normal work day, then he met me at the hotel and we drove to our FAVORITE restaurant Colonial Steakhouse in Pine Bluff!

It was SO yummy! Everything is always perfect there. The service (they are like dear old friends) and the Cotton Blossoms, Salad Bar, Steaks, Baked Potatoes, and Garlic Bread! And you can't forget the amazing dessert: Black Bottom Pie and Lemon Pie - HOMEMADE!
Trey's mom gets him a King Cake every year for his birthday. Trey is not a big cake fan, but he loves his King Cake once a year! It was a surprise to him this year and he was so excited that he dove right in for a piece. :)
(please excuse the hideous wallpaper...it is on our to-do list!) ;)
This Pic does NOT do this cake justice...it is melt in your mouth amazing!!


Bible Study and Prayers...

Trey and I went to our first Bible Study group last night at our Deacon's house. It started off really amazing with reading the verses and reflecting on them. The one in particular that we were discussing is Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 which is about how Abraham is going to sacrifice his only son to show his devotion to God. The amount of Faith that Abraham had in God that he would slaughter is son is unfathomable.

Deacon Dan received a phone call during this discussion and he heard the horrible news that his nephew and his wife had been murdered earlier in the day. His sister called to let him know. Their 2 year old son was found in the house, alive and unharmed. There are no words to describe that moment. I will forever remember it. Dan and his wife left the living room immediately in tears and our group sat in silence not knowing what happened. We continued with our discussions as best as we could and then Dan came back into the room to let everyone know what the disturbing news was. We were all in shock. We stood, held hands, and prayed together for Deacon Dan and his family. We cried together, for this unimaginable act of violence.

It was no coincidence that we were all there, memebers of his parish, discussing this reading from the Bible about Faith and devotion. God has a plan, it might not unfold the way we want it to, or we might not even know what that plan is, but God is there, working through each of us. Speaking through us in those moments of prayer and sadness.

Please pray for Deacon Dan and his family for their tremendous loss. For the 2 year old baby who will never know his parents. We will never know why these things happen, but I have faith that God will save us through these situations. We cannot always be saved from them, but he will save us through the unthinkable times.


Checking Off Projects!

We have been in our house for almost 2 years in April which means house projects are just now starting to get checked off the list. Does it really take that long, or is it partly laziness? Ha!

We finally decided on a color for the guest bedroom which is called Platinum, however, it turned out into a pretty bluish, silver color and looks very soothing on the walls! You can't see the color very well in the pics, but you get an idea. We hung a few items on the walls to get some stuff up on the walls.... we aren't through, but its a good start!

Also this weekend Amber and Andrew and Somerset came into town! I went to lunch with Amber and got to see Aubrey on Friday which was nice (sorry I don't have pics!)

Somerset drove in late Friday and we went to see He's Just Not That Into You which was good...but not as hilarious as we thought it would be. There were definitely some sad/troubling parts but it was good nonetheless. Saturday, we went to Oaklawn to see the horse races and had a blast! Ate lots horribly fattening food and watched all the pretty horses and the white snow flakes that starting falling mid-way through the races! We were in Somerset's family's box so that was nice to have a place to sit that wasn't the bleachers. Somerset even won $90!

We got a pic of us with Sophie this weekend (Bella was at Grandma Wood's) :)
It's hard to believe that little dog creates such big messes! ha!