
Life with a 21 Month Old

Oh dear...time is escaping me! I have been an awful blogger - apologies!  But life with a 21 month old is CRAZY. BUSY. And more CRAZY. I feel like my days are awesome - but when its time for bed I feel like a storm blew through and I totally forget what day it is or what we are doing the next day - haha. 

Logan is getting so big y'all. He is putting blocks together....

His words have exploded the last few days! He can now say "cow, more, no, me, all done, oven, up, open, elmo, and the BIG ticket word... "please" - ahhhhhhhhhh music to mama's ears!!!! I am such a manners snob so this makes me soooo happy!!!

Miss Savannah, Somerset's sweet girl, came over the other day and Logan was watching his bedtime video - she joined along and they had their first date :) Shhhhhh don't tell Savannah's Daddy :)

Cheesin' it - for real. When I say "cheeeeeeese" he says it back and grins this cheesy grin - too cute!

We go to the Little Gym weekly for a playdate and have so much fun - he loves being able to run around and jump and climb and not be told "no"!

Logan obsessed with the microwave. Anytime we go into other peoples houses he immediately goes to find the microwave, oven, any lights, lamps, or fans! haha

At 21 months he is such a tender hearted, sweet boy. But then he is also a little stinker too. Strong willed and stubborn! These tantrums are insane - the last few days I feel like he is unhappy more than he is happy which is so sad. I know its a phase and season of life - but I think I am ready to say "been there done that!"

So, at 21 months here is what he is up too...
Logan is still a wonderful sleeper - praise! I keep him on a tight schedule. He gets up at 7 am or so and takes a nap at 1 pm. He usually takes a 1-2 1/2 hour nap. Then he goes to bed at 7 pm. During the week we stay busy with a playdate or two at another toddler mama's house. Little Gym 1 time a week, the Zoo or Wonder Place playtime and MDO on Thursdays. He is doing great at MDO! He doesn't cry any more when I drop him off and he seems to enjoy himself.

Eating is still a challenge. He is only eating bananas and waffles for breakfast. Yogurt or crackers for snack. And cheese cubes, raisin toast, more bananas, and puree for lunch. For dinner its PB toast - but lately mainly just PB smeared on crackers, bananas, puree, and cheese. SO BORING. He still refuses to try anything new - though he will try any new cracker! Oh well we keep offering :)

We are doing Time Out but he hasn't had to sit there many times. Usually with a warning or two he stops behavior or I move him along to something else. The biggies are the car seat. He pitches the biggest fits when trying to leave a place and get him strapped into the car seat. He wants to play with the lights in the car or air vents. I fight and it becomes a power struggle which of course Mama wins - but not without major crying and 1 time yelling (on my part) but it did get his attention. I am trying different techniques so we shall see. Oh he is also saying "No" which sounds super cute by the way, so its hard not to laugh or smile. But he seriously means it - and knows when to appropriately use it.

We had Luciana over the other day and Luci was trying to hug and kiss him - it was too funny and super sweet. I tried to catch some action shots!

Logan's first smooch :)

Logan saying "Whats up little lady?"

It was hilarious, at first Logan didn't know what to think but then he participated in the hug and smooch process - of course it only happened a couple times before they were onto something different - attention spans :)
He is so funny, every morning after he wakes up he runs to his shoe drawer and picks out a pair of shoes to wear immediately. Today it was flip flops and he sits in my lap to put them on. SO CUTE! He tried to put them on himself - unfortunately that is a little advanced for this age :)

Little tantrum - he wanted to turn the lamp on and it was almost time to get ready to go...

He is so much fun these days - I know every stage has its crazies and good things so I am trying to enjoy all his sweetness that pours out of him on a daily basis. We are gearing up for our beach trip - he doesn't like the sand but hopefully by day 3 he will learn to love it!!!

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