
16 Months!

With complete shock and sadness I announce my baby boy is now 16 months old!! (only kidding - but seriously - can YOU believe it?!)
Logan is such a joy at 16 months - soooo much fun! He loves books - we read them 2-6 times a day, walks in his stroller and being outside, opening/closing cabinets and anything else like the dishwasher/washer, looking at himself in the mirror, and anything with wheels! He is a huge fan of music - esp his jazz kids cd and any lights/fans in rooms. He wants them turned on - all the time.
He does not like changing his diaper or getting him into the car seat - sometimes he is fine but if you take him away from playing or if you get him in the car when you dont go for a walk he pitches a royal fit. Yep. 2 year old behavior starting RIGHT now folks. Ugh. We are in tantrum mode - a daily occurrence but it isnt so bad I can't handle it thank goodness. I am sure that is coming soon! But he rolls, screams, cries, and kicks to get away on the changing table and car seat and sometimes his highchair.
He has not hit or bit us yet - *yet* - because I know that is coming....and I dread that day! He is saying a handful of words like dog, ball, mama, dada, gaga for thank you, wa wa for fan and water, and if you point to a dog in a book or he hears a dog outside he will say dog or woof woof! He will grrrr if you say "what does a tiger or lion say" and if you say "what does a bird say" he excitedly says "caw caw!" He can also make a semi elephant noise :) He seems to understand a lot of what he say - its so fascinating to watch him grow and learn!! Oh he can wave hi and bye which I think I've already mentioned for my records sake :)
We went to his doc appt and he had shots plus a flu shot - ick. It was MUCH harder to keep him occupied as a toddler - he wanted to walk/crawl all around that room...ewww. He hates laying on the table and being restrained so it took 4 of us holding him down for shots - poor guy Trey and I were singing Frosty Snowman song but he still cried alot and it took a while for him to calm down. Mean ole shots! But she gave us some advice on food/meal time and discipline. She said he isnt too young for us to start timeout so we are discussing that when he throws a fit about the changing table, etc.
We are also going to start a new routine for meal time. Breakfast and dinner stay almost the same - as in food we know he likes and will eat. But lunch is going to be leftovers from the dinner before or what we eat. We put 1 thing that he will eat and the rest is new stuff - in hopes he will eventually try something! He never tries anything new - it might be texture - not sure, but you can't force him and he certainly won't pick up anything unless he is pushing it on the floor :( Oh dear. So...here is hoping he will try something and maybe even like it!!

He is in size 5 diapers - and wears 12-18 months - some 18-24 mo but pants are too long. He weighs 24 lbs 5 oz which is 40% and 31 inches long which is 34%. She said he is on the smaller end - but he is healthy and he is on track for his stats since birth.
He sleeps from 7 pm - 7-8 am (love my good sleeper!!) And he takes 1 nap a day (12:30 - 2 or 3) he isn't the BEST napper - at least he goes to sleep, but its all over the board whether he sleeps 1 hour or 2-3. Oh well - I guess that is normal for him :)
Love my precious precious boy - its amazing how each day my heart grows a little more to accommodate my ever growing love for him. It is unbelievable how much you can love another human being! So thankful for each day I get to spend with this little man :)

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