Logan got his first birthday present from his sweet cousins Aren, Eva, and Ryan! He opened it and found more books to complete his set! Also he got a cute froggy learning/talking toy - he loves it!
He already loves to read - he goes to pull out his books a few times a day and loves to look at the pages and have us read to him.
getting taller and stronger...
speed crawling to mommy!
This is what our living room looks like most days - he has his area then Soph is gated off into her area which is also the nice side to the living room aka the dangerous side due to the fireplace hearth, glass table, and tons of electronics. Eek!
He is learning all about his ball machine - realizing the balls come out of the top and he can try to catch them and then sometimes he will put some back.
This cracks me up - he rarely wants to sit inside his jumper, because he would rather be on the move - but he loves to stand up and walk around it to play with the toys - totally different angle I guess. But when I try to put him inside he screams and cries - haha go figure
So.... I went garage selling for the first time today! It was AMAZING - thanks to one of the fabulous ladies at playgroup for introducing me to the wonderful world of cheap toys!! So I took 20 bucks and didn't even spend it all! I found this great push toy - I have been looking for one but they are expensive - so this was a whooping $5!!
I also found a huge set of legos for $2, A puzzle set for $1, a nice baby gate for $1 and this wonderful big boy toy for only $7.00!!!!!
look how cute this is???? Its for when he is older - probably 2-3 and beyond but for 7 bucks I couldn't pass it up since they retail for over $200! It is in great condition and has double the play nails/tools because they included extra from another one they had. Score! We will slap a bow on it for a Christmas or birthday present and he will be in heaven - yay! All that savings - I was on a shopping high all morning, so exciting!
Logan gets excited about mealtime usually - here he is just laughing away...
I just love this sweet boy more every day - is that even possible? He is pure joy and I soak it up all day long.
He isn't feeling well - has a bug I think. He has been calmer today and sort of fussy too. He has bathroom issues as well - bless his heart.
Four bottom toothies!
What did I tell ya? The boy loves book time!!!
So recently for records sake I want to note that we will start swim lessons on Wednesday - looking forward to it but hoping it goes good. Lauren is teaching a very small group so that will be awesome but Logan does not love the water - hates bathtime - so hopefully he can get over his fears soon or at least learn to like or tolerate the water :)
Also, we had a scary incident the other day I looked away for a second while putting his cheese toast in the toaster and I see him over near sophies food bowl. He pushed past the gate and went straight for her food. She eats tiny pieces but bigger than a pea. I scooped a piece out then realized there were more in there. He had 6 pieces in his mouth!! I about freaked out - I calmly scooped them all out and then he tried to put 5 more pieces in his mouth from his hand - geesh! I pried all of those out of his fingers and he cried. And I cried because it could have been so much worse. First of MANY scary mommy moments to come - we survived!! And poor soph was staring at him like "what are you doing - thats my food!"
Getting gas is easier now that some gas stations have those tvs built into the pump - he watches tv, with the windows rolled down during this heat, and loves it. It is funny to watch him - Its mainly commercials trying to sell things - but hey, whatever works while mama pumps gas.
I am getting ready for this first bday party next week I can't believe it - I am entering denial right about now. I keep thinking this time last year I was still very pregnant - he wasn't even here yet! More posts/pics to come this week - promise :)
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