
A Little Something for All You Hog Fans...

Ohhhhh yes - you are seeing correctly. No need to readjust your eyes. Logan is wearing a Razorback onesie (courtesy of Aunt Somerset, of course) and holding a stuffed Razorback (gift from Aunt Irene) Everyone knows Trey and I aren't Hog fans. We aren't fans of ANY sports team - yep you heard it right. I didn't buy any football, basketball, baseball, hockey, rugby, dodge ball, (you get the picture) outfits since I'm not into sports. Why would I put my child in a "Daddys Little Slugger" or "Mommys Future Quarterback" outfit when I don't even know what those terms mean and could care less about it ;) (I tried to read Sports for Dummies once upon a time but quickly put it down - ick boring!)

So, of course our dear friends had to make sure Logan had at least 1 Razorback outfit so we wouldn't be stoned to death. (Lets be honest, if anyone knew we were living in Arkansas and didn't own a single Baby Razorback item there would be hell to pay. Stoning, burning of property, death threats, etc. SuperFans take these things very seriously and we must be prepared.

Apparently game day is most Saturdays - so I figured I would dress him up in his onesie and let him meet Artie, his Razorback, so I would have proof I actually did dress him up. Besides, someday if he chooses to be an Arkansas Razorback fan - he will have these photos to look back on and will be appreciative we let him show his support as an infant (even if Mommy and Daddy don't participate) ;)

Artie and Logan - BFF's already...

Just a typical day - playing in his bouncy seat while we eat dinner

He has just discovered that if he kicks his legs hard enough - it will bounce the seat which shakes his toys hanging above - smart kid!

Look at this sweet face! He is in an outfit that Deb and Diane bought for him - "Guess How Much I Love You" outfit and hat - to match his book. We love it!

Tummy time - getting stronger every day!

We had an amazing night this past Saturday. Logan spent the night with Grammy and Granddad and gave mom and dad the night off. Trey and I had our first overnight away and we used our gift certificate to the Embassy which is very close to our house. We checked in - and walked across the street to Kobe Steakhouse and had delicious drinks at the bar before our YUMMY dinner! We had the best time - just relaxing and enjoying each other without little man. We laughed and giggled through dinner. It was hilarious - we sat at a table with 2 other couples who were in highschool or first year of college and they kept staring at us because we were just loving our time together - feeling giddy like tweens and loving being completely alone - sipping drinks and taking our time with our food. Plus lots of good conversation! I have missed talking to Trey - about anything and everything. With a newborn you don't get much time to chat and catch up on random things so we did just that!
It was honestly amazing and such a refreshing evening away. We also got TONS of uninterrupted sleep which was heavenly! Ahhhhh! :) We ate a quick brunch at Copelands before picking Logan up on Sunday. Even though it was only 1 night away - it felt like an entire weekend. Thanks G-parents!! :)

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