
We. Are. In. LOVE!

Logan Holland Gould was born at 9:27 pm on July 20th weighing 8 pounds and 21 inches long! We are so blessed to welcome this tiny life into ours and he is the most precious baby we have ever known. (of course we are a little biast)

He came out with a FULL head of brown hair and one eye open gazing into this new world. He didn't cry a lot but he was fine and healthy when he greeted the world. He started to whimper when they gave him his shot during cleaning - so precious!

minutes old with mama

sweet face - he has chubby little cheeks just like me!

exhausted daddy and logan - isnt this the sweetest thing ever??

Me and my baby boy

I. Am. In. Love - he is too handsome!!

Sweet sign Somerset made for Logan - how cute is that? She needs to start an etsy business for diaper cakes and signs!!

We are soaking in Logan's sweet smell, his precious coos, facial expressions, and watching him sleep, and the boy can SLEEP. At least for now. I am quite sure when we get home he will wake up and we will meet the real Logan. But for now, he is such a laid back and calm baby that sleeps all day and has only cried 3-4 times. He has been a little too easy! We just love him so much and are lucky to be his parents. :) I will post more pics as soon as I can. We are going home tomorrow and I will be snapping his pic as much as possible!

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