
Meet My New BFF.....

Yes, you are seeing the picture correctly. I want to introduce you to my new bestie: Tums. Oh it has been a lifesaver - my friend Lauren, who is also pregnant, has been taking them and she is roughly 13 weeks along. I haven't had an issue with heartburn, indigestion or acid reflux at all, until a few nights ago. Whew and it hit me hard! I really haven't ever had problems with any of these but I have had some fierce heart burn and indigestion the past two days! So, I ran out to Walgreens and bought a big ole bottle of berry tums. I also bought a small travel size for my purse. As soon as I popped two of those beauties into my mouth I almost immediately felt better. Ahhhhhh, relief! :)
Also, I was talking to a client yesterday and opened my mouth to respond and out came a large belch without warning! Oh the words embarassed and mortified don't even begin to cover the feeling that came over me at that moment. I quickly apologized and explained that I was pregnant and the sweet lady said "say no more. my baby is a year old and I totally understand. These things happen." God bless her. God bless moms who understand what that feels like. I think I was a dark shade of red the rest of the day....
In other news, I am definitely starting to gain weight now. I did great the first trimester and really until a week ago I had only gained 2 pounds since I found out I was pregnant! My Doctor even asked me if I was eating at my 16 week appointment, which I quickly assured her I was not starving myself, or Baby G, by any means. I was sick the first trimester, so I am sure that had something to do with the lack of weight gain.
Anyway, I was all excited and feeling good and proud of myself when I stepped on the scale this morning and to my horror I had gained 4 pounds in a week! WHOA. Hold the phone. I have been eating the same as always, though I did polish off a box of Godiva for V Day... and a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake - hum.... could that be the culprit?
I also know that Baby G is growing daily, as my bump has definitely formed a little more as I look down at my dress. Where did that come from? So, I am thinking it is catching up - and I am also convinced that my 4 pound increase is all Baby G. Yes, that's it.
I am doing well - still feeling really good and my house is still clean. Ahhh, I heart the Second Trimester!

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