This plate in my kitchen says it all! I FINALLY GET MY BEAUTIFUL SNOW/ICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been desperately praying for, and hoping for, and crossing fingers and toes for a snow day and praise the Lord - it is upon us! I am soooo excited to have the day off work and I slept in, way too late, and leisurely got up, and walked around the house opening all the blinds to see the beautiful white softness floating around outside.
Just starting...
Sophie taking it all in - she was barking at the sound of the sleet, she had no idea what it was! haha
I made myself a yummy toasted PB&J sandwich...
And enjoyed the view a little more...
Compared to this pic below - lots of snow/sleet!
Trey is sleeping, he got off work at 8 am and passed out. I am going to wash some clothes and be LAZY the rest of the day - watch some TV and maybe a movie - I haven't seen Little Women in a while and I always love to watch that movie during a snowy day because it is a wintery movie and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside - especially with a cup of hot coco! :)
In Baby G news - nothing new to report. I am back to feeling not pregnant. I know that sounds weird, but I am over the nausea and morning sickness and exhaustion. I have a little more energy but don't feel anything else. No movement, no sickness, no nothing. So, I am not complaining at all - I think I will enjoy feeling pretty normal and good for a few more weeks until I start getting bigger and start feeling Baby G kicking me - I hear that you stop sleeping well once the baby is active inside. Oh Lord - we all know how much I need my 9-12 hours of sleep so I am praying for a miracle on this one! ;)
Enjoy your weekend! I KNOW I will enjoy mine! :)
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