
Boo Ya'll

One of my favorite Holidays is on Saturday and I can't wait! I love Halloween and all the decorations, the weather, and the CANDY!! :) This Halloween, sad to say, that Trey and I are not dressing up - no costumes for us - there are no parties to go to this year so we are saving up our ideas for another time and place. BUT - I do dress our little pumpkins (Bella and Sophie) up for Halloween every year and take their picture and send out Halloween photo cards. So, I am posting pics of them and one of Trey and I a few years ago... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

This was taken a few years ago - this is with my Wonder Place girls Julie and Cathleen - we were the Disney Princesses: I was Cinderella, Cathleen was Belle and Julie was Snow White for the Wonder Place Halloween Bash -too much fun!

Trey was hilarious - he came as my ugly step-sister! He was the Hit of the party! haha

And here are our little furry babies!

Sophie as a Hula Girl last year...

Our little Witch, Bella (sitting so well for Daddy while he ties her cape)

Isn't she too stinkin cute!

A picture of Bella a LONG time ago - she is 8 years old now, but she was about a year at this picture, as a Princess...

Sophie as a little devil this year - for anyone that knows her - this is too true!

She won't pose to save her life :)

Trey was holding her back legs for this pic. Luckily she looked at the camera!

Our little pumpkin!

Bella mastered the concept of "pose in a costume - get a treat"! ;)

Hope everyone has a safe, fun Halloween!! :)


Melissa and Cas said...

Love the fur babies and their costumes! Happy Halloween!

Kelly said...

You two are so cute! Love the idea and costumes! The puppies are precious!

Jorgelina said...

The puppies are precious!
So cute!