
Let's Hear It For: Meryl and Sandra...

I am a movie fanatic and we try to go every weekend to see a movie or two (sometimes three!) But we have been so busy with work this past year or so, that we don't go as often. But, this weekend, I saw two movies: All About Steve and Julie and Julia. Both were very good - in completely opposite ways.

Lauren and I went to go see All About Steve with Sandra Bullock and it was hilarious - so cute, and very poignant. It was a little sad at times, but overall a great movie. It ended positive (the way it should have) and we laughed all through the movie. Sandra did such a great job capturing this girl's personality - a role she has never done before, it was awesome.

Trey and I went to go see Julie and Julia after we heard so many wonderful things about this movie. Oh, it was simply Divine - so wonderful and such a feel good movie. We absolutely loved every minute of it! And let me just say that Meryl Streep did a phenomenal job - of course I love her in everything she is in, but seriously, from Devil Wears Prada to Julia Child - WHOA. Girl can act! "And the Award goes to...." is seriously in her future. ;)

Amy Adams did a great job too...

It is such an amazing story, and I was fascinated because I love blogs, and blog stalking, so I was very intrigued. For anyone who is interested, I have listed the links to the real Julie Powell's blogs from what the book and movie were based off of. And the other link is her recent blog postings - check them out! :)

Her more recent blog postings:


What the book was based off of:


I think I will clean some more since I AM OFF TOMORROW TOO!!!! :)

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