
FAT Tuesday and Girl Scout Cookies...

Happy FAT Tuesday everyone! It has truly been a "Fat" Tuesday for me. It did start off well with a good breakfast and lunch. Very low calorie! But dinner took a turn and I ate at Olive Garden and splurged a little....okay...a lot! To add to the matter, Girl Scout Cookies arrived (7 boxes to be exact) and plopped themselves nicely on my desk at work. Wow. I didn't really think that out when I ordered all those cookies!

My FAVORITES! Thin Mints and Tagalongs!

I am giving up Chocolate for Lent, so this is what I will be replacing all those sinful cookies with.... Fruit! My body will THANK me :)

I am also committing to saying a prayer for a different person every day of Lent. That is my something positive. My dear friend Cherin gave me this great idea and I will write down on a calendar or planner who I will pray for each day for 40 days, and I will give extra attention to that person as well as all the others I think about and pray for daily. Pretty neat huh? Thanks Cherin!

Oh, and Shopaholic was super cute....not really anything like the book, but very sweet nonetheless!

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