
Growing Up...

He keeps growing. I know, I know. Its CRAZY how quick this happens and sometimes I look at him and he is well, just bigger. Like his ears have grown - and his head looks larger. Hands and feet too. Ugh - I feel like next time I blink he will be waving goodbye and off to college! YIKES!!! It scares me so much so that all morning we have been at home playing and doing whatever the little toddler wants to do. He has my complete undivided attention! Its been so fun :) Not that he doesn't have my attention most of the time - but life is busy. There are always dishes to be washed, loads of clothes to be folded, and cleaning to be completed. Not to mention trying to keep up with my Thirty-One business, start writing again, and trying to get my fitness on and lose the rest of this weight and tone up!!!
To document I have lost 30 lbs so far! Hooray! And going strong...I am doing this Beast Challenge with some friends where its a point system for the month of February and the winner/top 3 get a cash prize!!!!!!!! Its on like donkey kong :)
Okay so my update from his 18 month appt is 25 lbs which is the 37th percentile, height is 34 inches (but lets be honest - I really don't think he is that much because he was kicking , screaming, and thrashing all around so the doctor said that wasn't too accurate) Head is 183/4. He didn't have the best appt because he hates to be restrained and doesnt like people touching him or messing with him - so he freaked out about being weighed so much so that Trey had to hold him and weigh himself! He kept pushing the nurses hand away while she was measuring his head and of course the shots were a epic fail. It took all 4 of us holding him down and he was still thrashing and screaming bloody murder before she even gave him a shot. I think laying on that table does it for him - he HATES it. Luckily we don't go back until 2 years and no more shots until....wait for it....... FOUR years old!!! Jackpot!! I was seriously about to have a panic attack trying to figure out how we would live through his 2-3 year shots if this is that is how traumatic the 18 mo appt was!
He is getting better at helping me clean up - in the sense that if I hand him a toy or ask him to hand me a ball, etc he will do it and sometimes he even puts things back in the right places! Like his ball pit or he will put the puzzle pieces below in the places, or at least tries too :)
I know every mom knows this - but its amazing how much they understand even though they cant verbalize it. Wow!
We have been spending all these nice days at parks, the zoo, and walks outside. I admit, I am very thankful for this mild winter because I have an active toddler that gets bored being couped up inside. BUT - I am so sad about not having any snow...of course it could still happen...I mean we do live in Arkansas! I love love love winter and the cold days, bundling up inside watching wintery movies, with hot coco, love winter clothes, ugg boots, tights, etc. I also really wanted him to be able to play in beautiful snow! Last year he was too young to do anything in the winter wonderland we received. But for now I will just continue to be thankful for the lovely spring weather :)
Remote Hog :) Another thing I want to remember is that I pulled out my stand mixer to bake muffins and he had a meltdown - bless his heart. He was terrified! We lifted him up to get a closer look and he was shaking while clinging onto me and crying. When I put him down he was gently pushing me away from it and trying to lead me with his little hands - awwwwww so sweet.
He didn't want mommy to get hurt by the mean ole mixer :) He contiued to be upset and cry for almost 30-40 minutes even after the mixer wasn't mixing....my sweet sensitive boy.

In other news on the home front, Trey received a great promotion at work!!!!!!!! He interviewed for a Supervisor management position and got it!!! Hooray Daddy!!!! We are so very proud of him and all he has accomplished and I think he will really like this transition :)
Logan saying "please" we taught him to raise his hand for please and its worked great!

Sometimes it gets too quiet in the house, you know what I mean, and I find him hidden in his closet hoarding toys :)

And we are definitely in full on toddler 18 month crying tantrum behavior. Yep. And it ain't pretty. We also started Time Out a few days ago and it was a complete disaster the first time. He thought it was a big game and I was like SuperNanny and kept putting him back over and over - 25 times to be exact! Sheesh. But after the third time of TO yesterday I think he is starting to understand more - its all about consistency and I have that down pat. We chose a corner in the hallway where they are no toys/distractions. If he starts to get up I just put him right back and keep my hand holding him in place and usually it does it. The few times we had to do TO it was over not listening - he would try to touch/push a lamp over and after us telling him 2 times and 1 warning of TO he smiled and touched it again. There you have it. Blatant Defiance folks. :)

Just look at that stud muffin - he is so stinkin cute :)


Happy 18 Months!!

I cannot believe I have an 18 month old!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???????????
You dont know? Me neither. But at this rate I'll be sending him off to his first day of Kindergarten next month - yikes!

He is doing great at 18 months - lets see here are some stats (we go to his doc appt tomorrow so I will know weight and height then :)
He is still wearing size 5 diapers and sleeps GREAT at night! 7 pm - 7-8 am. I hardly ever hear a peep! Praise! Naps are so so - most of the time 1 hr and a half but sometimes its 45 min or 3 hours. You just never know!
He has such a personality! We are trying to encourage please and thank you. He holds his arm up for please (but we started that because he held it up for us to turn on any lights so since he already knew that we transferred it into please - genius I know haha)
He is definitely having the irrational tantrums. He wanted his blue bib on the other day so badly after lunch, but before nap, and he had a total meltdown sobbing and sobbing. I have no clue what that was about but he was desperate to get that bib on! Probably stalling before nap :)
He also fights me almost every diaper change and getting into the car seat. This is probably the most annoying tantrum. UGH. We are seriously about to start Time Out - I think I've said that a gazillion times but honestly, I mean it! ;) Mainly because he is really understanding No and he started spitting out milk and water and laughing when we tell him no. Which results in a major clothing change and almost bath because of how sticky milk is - and not to mention cleaning the carpet!!!
Eating is still very hit or miss - the child won't touch a veggie or potato, noddle, etc to save his life. But he does love toast, now he also likes raisin toast, no more cheese toast, cheese cubes, bananas, waffles, and all things crackers and snacks. Likes Veggie Sticks and most muffins - as long as they are orange or brownish (he won't try the chocolate chip white muffin I just made) Go figure - boy he doesn't know what he is missing out on! But he loves the honey bran one and of course pumpkin bread, gingerbread, etc
His future Wife should thank me, really. I mean - who won't love a guy that knows his way around the house with a broom!? He is getting to where he sort of wants to help clean up - well sometimes. He will hand me blocks to put back or put them in the box himself. Only if I ask. he brings me things off the floor if he doesn't' know what they are which I love! Sometimes they are dangerous - like rocks or a tiny plastic piece!
He loves Sophie - he tries to throw her toys for her to chase which is just precious! he throws her his balls too which she isn't supposed to have but seeing as the ball pit has over 100 balls that just isn't a battle I am willing to start! :)

My happy boy!

In the nice weather we go to the park - he loves running around (Yes he is RUNNING these days!) Wearing me OUT :)

He is really grasping what we say to him more and more - he knows when I say "lets go" or "lets get in the car" we are leaving. He will tell the TV "Bye Bye" at night after his video ends. If we are somewhere else and I say "lets go home and see sophie" he knows its his dog and we are about to leave. I have started giving him countdowns when we have to leave a fun place so he is more prepared. He still pitches a fit for his car seat but it isn't as bad sometimes. Life with a toddler is NEVER boring :)


Sweet Savannah!

How precious is she?!? Congrats to Somerset and Steven - Savannah Paige Sea entered the world on January 8th and she stole our hearts right away! We are all way excited for a baby girl to get in the mix of all these boys!!

Proud Aunt Melanie :)

Razorback onesie - of course!!

They are doing great - adjusting to having their new addition and we are excited to see her grow and learn just like our sweet little boys!

Logan and Luciana went to the park.

We had a blast - they walked (ahem ran) all over that darn park and Shannon and I were EXHAUSTED!!! But we all had a blast!

The kiddos were WORN out :)

Logan cracks me up!

This is his classic running away - all. day. long.

getting excited about Video Time!

haha stinky face :)

When did this adorable little boy get so BIG!!!!!!!!!????????

We are loving this stage - he is so much fun! And also very smart - I gotta stay on my toes with this one...he is a crafty little sucker. Definitely tests limits and smiles while doing so - ha! He is sensitive and as sweet as pie...but he does have a sneaky streak and he is stubborn as a bull at times. He is also VERY strong! When he decides to throw a little tantrum and if I am holding him - I gotta watch out. He is so heavy/strong that he can almost work his way out of any grasp I have on him - whew! Wears a mama out. But - those are for the most part becoming more predictable :) When he doesn't want to eat a snack or a meal - he fights the highchair - or the car seat. He has started screaming/crying when we run errands if we stop the car and he can't get out - the world is over. Poor guy - we can't always go somewhere fun! :)

He has started helping me clean up (well his version) He will help hand me toys and put a puzzle piece back if I ask him. He likes to hand Sophie her doggie toys and he will throw his balls for her to chase. If he finds something on the carpet he will bring it to us - love this! because the other day he found a rock and something else semi dangerous and he brought it to me instead of trying to taste it! Big progress!!

I also started making him walk into his own room for naptime and night time - he usually takes his sweet time getting there - but hasn't run away yet. He finally gets into the room after dancing around the door and then I praise him and we get his jammies on. Love this stage!!