The hallway and the guest bedroom - when doors are open he must go in search for whats inside!
Soph giving him sugars
Aunt Michelle and his cousins gave him this precious hat before he was born - it finally fits and I must admit he is stylin' and profilin' :)
All Attitude...
Whud up dawg?
He can play by himself- we are working on that every day. He was so good about it until he realized I exist when I am not in the room so now he cries/whines when he sees me leave or come back in the room from being gone. It also depends on his moods I realize, if he is cranky or teething he won't play by himself very long. But if hes in a good mood he will be in there for 30+ minutes!
Look who discovered the video monitor that sits on his crib?
Ahhhhh yes. Fun times.
He pulls up as far as he can then bats the monitor with his little hands until it falls off the back of the crib onto the floor.
It is actually so cute to see his little face in the monitor trying to figure it out because it has a tiny blue light that glows (designers need to seriously rethink this since it attracts baby's attention!) He has been staring at this blue light since he got into his crib and is finally able to do something about it. I knew it was only a matter of time...
What's NOT cute is him knocking it off 8 times before nap time today. Oh yes people. Count that. EIGHT times. He learned when he knocked it off mommy would come in and put it back. He would just smile every time I walked back into the room. There is literally no other place I can put it to see inside his crib since its lowered until we mount it which we are clearly doing tonight, cause mama ain't playing round 2 of his little game no matter how cute that innocent face is :)