
This time 6 weeks ago...

I was pushing and pushing to get Mr. Logan to come out and greet the world! Can you believe its been 6 weeks?? Oh I can't - time flies much too fast. And out he came at 9:27 pm!
He loved his bath tonight - from the time I put him in it he was quiet and just observing the world from the whale tub. The water even got in his eyes a little and he didn't cry at all - yay! He might be a water baby :)
Here he is in his little bath robe that Andrew and Amber got us - our first present when we found out we were pregnant. He loves it I promise - though you couldn't tell from the sour look on his face - haha

Play time

Swing time - my gate so Sophie can't get to his tootsies.

He is liking Gus more and more - (we named his Wubbanub Gus - and I have a feeling he will love Gus at the 3 month mark)

Trey being silly looking in the same direction as Logan - like Father like Son :)

Proud Mama!

Trying to get a good pic of us both - he is NOT having it

Nope - not this one either

Things are going well - sleep is still going pretty good at night but days have been a challenge since he isn't sleeping that much at all. Barely 2 hours and that is separated into 30 min cat naps. He is more fussy too - but that could be gas and getting older. He is still absolutely adorable and precious - even if he is fussy! It is so neat to see him learn new things - grasping his toys on the play mat and holding his head up for tummy time. He is eating a ton so I think its growth spurt time. He coos and makes noises which is so sweet. Love my time with my little man!
Can you believe it is September already???? Where is my lovely FALL WEATHER!!!!!!!!! :)


5 Weeks Already!

Here is our handsome little man - a whooping 5 weeks old! Can you believe it?? I hardly can - almost 6 weeks on Tuesday - whoa. Time does fly. This little outfit barely fit at all when he was a week old - now the pants are a little snug. Pretty soon he will be walking and talking - geesh! :)

I got to see and hold Austin the other day - oh my isn't he absolutely precious! He is so tiny - I don't remember Logan being that little, but he was close to it. Austin is a pound less but still - I can't remember holding L when he was fresh from the hospital.

Sweet face - he is too adorable. Austin slept the whole time we were there - what a good boy! Can't wait to see him again and for Logan and him to meet - My bestie Irene got them matching onesies and we need to make a date and take their pics. :)

We have been practicing with tummy time and so far L likes it a lot. He stayed on his mat for 10 minutes or so. And we did the playtime mat for 15 minutes - he wore himself out!

Logan building those neck muscles

Here he is tuckered out from all the fun activities - whew! Playing is hard work ;)

He also likes his bumbo seat - he is too little right now, we have a pillow supporting his head - though he can hold it up some of the time. But he liked it for a minute or two. He loves to be in the upright sitting position seeing everything so we know this will soon become his best friend.

Soph checking on baby brother to make sure he is okay. (and trying to lick his toes)

Precious baby face - can't wait to see his first smile!!

We are surviving at the Gould household. It is getting better - he slept from 10:30 pm until 5 am last night! I, of course, didn't sleep well because I was up checking on him the whole night since he barely made a peep. He is typically a very noisy sleeper - constantly grunting, moving his arms, and making noises. But he slept sound asleep - I think the humidifier made a huge difference. He gets congested sometimes at night and he seemed better this morning. Let's hope he repeats this great sleep tonight! I am giving him a bath, reading a book, then hopefully he will be so tired he will pass out for 4-5 hours maybe longer.
New development: He was fussy this afternoon, he cried during feeding and we didn't know what to do! He never cries just to cry and especially while eating. He did have some gas and burps that finally came out - but then he seemed restless. We walked around with him and I put him on his tummy time mat where he finally calmed down. I know this is very normal for babies but Logan has never cried unless he is hungry or needs to be changed so we thought this was strange. I think he might be getting older and more alert and he will probably start doing more normal baby behavior such as crying, etc. We'll see! We have been so spoiled by our laid back baby that we looked at each other like "what on earth do we do!?" haha
Happy Friday Everyone!


Growing and Growing...

Logan is SO BIG! Geez I feel like he is a little chunk already - not fat at all - just filling out. I swear he is 10 pounds. His 0-3 month clothes are already getting a little snug. I remember when we came home from the hospital and they were too big on him - awwww. My little man is growing up...

He is more alert and I swear he almost smiled at me today (not gas related) :) He let out a huge giggle in his sleep last night - it was hilarious! I am sure that was gas, but it was still cute. Pumping is going great so far - I am way ahead of him thank goodness! We bought a bottle warmer and it is working well since we are storing the breast milk in bottles in the fridge. I even have 4 sacks of milk stored in the freezer! whoo hoo! I know its strange, but it feels very successful to have enough milk to store some - yay! It took a while to get that much but now I feel like we have a good pattern going.

Sister Soph making sure he is okay in his swing - too cute

Play Time! He loves his mat!

Soph is OBSESSED with him...

There is my sweet face - too precious

Irene came over for a little bit and held Logan - he was asleep with his arms and legs out in front of him - crazy! he did that inside me all the time - we caught some on the 4D ultrasound and he still does it - too funny :)

He has not been sleeping well in his Nap Nanny the past two days. Strange. So we tried the bassinet part of the pack and play last night and he slept pretty well! We were shocked and thrilled!! Its all about trying new things - constantly to see what works. And so weird how one days things work and the next he isn't too sure about them.
We are in for a low key evening - hope you have a good weekend! :)


Welcome Baby Austin!

Lauren and John welcomed Austin David into the world on Monday morning. She did great and he was ready to greet the world! She progressed very quickly and he was out with only a few pushes :) What a sweet precious baby boy - he is too adorable. Sweet little lips and cute nose :) They are doing great and just enjoying time with their new addition.

Me holding Logan's BFF :)


I could eat him up -beautiful!

Trey with the little man

It is amazing how tiny they are when they greet the world. He was a pound less than Logan - but still. I don't remember Logan being that tiny which is insane because he is only a month old! Logan will look like a little chunk next to Austin when they first meet - so neat how they grow so much the first few weeks and year. Wow. I cannot believe we both have babies - it seems like we were just getting into high school and graduating college and getting married - whoa where does time go? But I love this new phase in my life - I was born ready to be a mom and I am loving every minute. (well except the 1-5 am minutes where there is no sleep for Logan or Mommy) :)
Welcome to the world Mr. Austin! We love you and can't wait to watch you grow!


Life with a Little One...

I cannot believe its almost been a month! It does seem like he has been here forever - but yet a whole month sounds crazy! We have been dealing with major exhaustion at the Gould household for a couple of days. Who am I kidding - a few weeks! The past couple of days Logan has been awake all night - and today he did not disappoint. He was awake from 10 pm last night until 4 am this morning! And he would doze off for a few minutes then wake back up. He ate so much too - growth spurt maybe? Then this morning he didn't sleep until 11 am - so we are beyond exhausted! I am just not used to this lack of sleep. I hope it will get easier - we'll see. I took a nap for a couple of hours earlier, and now Trey is sleeping before work. My saint of a mother is coming over to watch him tonight and let me sleep - bless her!

This picture it soo precious - Miss Soph watching out for her baby brother. Awwww

He likes to play in his crib - staring at his name. He doesn't sleep in it yet - but I think he is liking it more every day!

We went to dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday - Grammy and Mr. Logan

Proud Grandaddy and Logan

Happy Parents!

I am using this blog as a memory keeper - so I wanted to record some of the things Logan is doing so I won't forget :)
He loves to eat and is a great eater! He drinks 3-5 oz every 3-5 hours. He does love to sleep too - its just a matter of when. He will sleep a 4-6 hour spurt typically twice a day, but not always at night. He moves and stretches and makes all sorts of noises in his sleep. It is too funny.
He loves having his hands near his face and this can be a problem when he is trying to eat. He knocks the bottle away almost every time. :) He grunts and coos and makes a noise that sounds like a little horse! He is a vocal baby during eating, burping, and sleeping. I always think he is about to wake up - but then he tosses and stretches and goes right back to sleep.
He LOVES his Nap Nanny - this was one of the best gifts and recommendations! (if used properly per the warnings) He does like to spend time in his swing and bouncy seat. He will sleep in his bouncy seat for naps.
He likes his soothies but won't keep them in his mouth for very long. He hasn't grasped the hold onto it concept - also his little hands knock it out of his mouth almost every time.
He hates having his diaper changed and onesies too. He hates bath time right now also. Hopefully he will love it when he gets older. :)
He does great in the car - puts him to sleep every time and he has been so pleasant at restaurants. As long as he isn't dirty and hungry - he is a laid back baby. We haven't heard a serious scream yet either. We are holding our breaths waiting for that to come. He cries during changes and baths - but never the blood curdling scream.
He is such a little joy - precious in every way and definitely worth the lack of sleep. We love our little man!


Happy 3 Weeks Logan!

Logan is 3 weeks old today! I cannot believe how old he is and yet how little time has passed. It feels like he has been in our lives for a couple of months! He is still a laid back baby - he loves to sleep and eat! He sleeps really well during the day - at least 2 4-6 hour stretches and lots of little naps. Most of the time during the day we have to wake him up to eat. Night has been a challenge - but that is very normal. I try to tell myself that when I am up from 9 pm until 4 am with not a wink of sleep. On a very positive note - at least he isn't screaming or crying during the waking hours - thank goodness! I know it could be MUCH worse. And it could still happen - he could still develop Colic or just start crying at any time. I am holding my breath to see if that will happen. But maybe not - and I will be perfectly okay with that too ;)
But so far, the only time he cries is when he is being changed or he is dirty. He will get fussy when he is hungry but as soon as the bottle is near his lips he lunges at it and drinks like a champ. He makes all these little grunts and noises during meal time - it is too cute!!
Trey has been such a huge help - I had a little breakdown the other night when I had been up all day without a nap and he was looking like he was not going to sleep at all so I started crying from lack of sleep and exhaustion from crying over Bella. Not to mention the emotions and hormones of just giving birth and trying to produce enough milk and pump it out - whew! It got the best of me. So he took him in the living room and let me sleep all night. He even woke me up every 3 hours with my pumping stuff so I could pump and go back to sleep. What a good Daddy and Hubby!!
My mom has also been a lifesaver - she has watched Logan several times for me to run errands and for us to go on a date night and out to dinner with friends the other night. She has also come over to spend the night with me and keep Logan so I could get some sleep. Thanks Mom!! You have been more help than you will ever know! :)

Mr. Sleepy Head...

His scrunchy/mad face - this is the same face he made during the 4 D ultrasound - hilarious!

Miss Sophie has really been too funny - she is obsessed with Logan. We can't quite figure it out - she wants to be near him at all times and she loves to kiss his feet when he is in his bouncy seat. Here she is standing next to his swing just hanging out.
Here she is laying on a pillow next to him on the couch - she will lay and watch him sleep for hours.
This is the best pic of her - she has her little nose laying on the nap nanny watching over him. It is too sweet. I guess her mothering instincts are kicking in. We weren't sure how she would act and I am so glad she is loving him rather than growling and barking at him. Of course we aren't leaving him alone with her, ever, because after all - she is a dog. You never know. But I think these two might just be BFF before too long :)

Tired Daddy and Logan - so sweet

Tummy time! He likes it for about a minute or two - maybe less :) You gotta start sometime!

We are so thankful for this happy healthy baby boy. He has really been a blessing since Bella passing and Sophie definitely helps keep my mind from wandering. We are going to give Logan his first official bath tonight since the cord fell off yesterday - yay! I will take pics and post them soon. I will try to update the blog more than once a week - esp with photos since he is growing so quickly. I think he is filling out more and is fitting into his 0-3 clothes better.
We are playing the waiting game for Mr. Austin to arrive - Lauren had an appt today and it should be any day now - hopefully this week/weekend! If not, definitely next week. We can't wait to meet you Austin Simmons!!! :)